Bandom Rec: The Magician AU by mahoni and ignipes (R Overall)

Feb 26, 2011 00:12


Pairing: Gerard Way/Bob Bryar eventually, first story is gen
Length: 10,469 words
Authors on LJ: ignipes and mahoni
Author Website: Mahoni's Master list of Fic and Tagged fiction by Ignipes
Why this must be read:
This series is funny! The setting is whimsical enough to fit these individuals, and the humor is a welcome change from the preponderence of more serious stories in the fandom.

Magician AU on AO3
The Flaming Box of Fiery Doom by ignipes and mahoni (PG), Gen (Gerard/Bob slashy vibes/preslash)
The Knife-Throwing Trick by mahoni (R), Gerard/Bob

gen, crack van recs, gerard way, bandom, mcr, bob bryar, bandslash, bob/gerard, recs, slash

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