Bandom Vid Rec (CSI Fusion/Crossover): You're Not the One by RedOrchid

Feb 25, 2011 23:51

Vidder: RedOrchid
Musical artist: Daniel Bedingfield
Pairing: Pete/Patrick
Vidder on LJ: redorchids
Vidder's website: Blubberworm on YouTube or here on LJ
Why this vid kicks ass:
Companion vid to a CSI AU/fusion for Bandom Bigbang 2009, "You're Not the One" is a fantastic constructed reality vid that tells a story in itself, the Pete/Patrick story in this fic: Nightingale (And Not the Lark). It's definitely worth reading. (Warning for underage relationship in the story. Other pairings in story, not vid, include Ryan/Brendon and Jon/Spencer.)

You're Not the One - streaming on YouTube
or see LJ post for DL information or to comment

jon/spencer, crack van recs, vids, ryan/brendon, csi, bandom, fob/patd, crossovers, fob, bandslash, recs, pete/patrick, slash

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