Haven't updated in awhile ...

Jan 20, 2013 00:11

So, yes... I'm not sure if anyone uses Livejournal much anymore ... but meh ... I'll post an update anyway. Lots of things have happened since my last update.
First off, Christina and I are no long together. In fact, we don't even talk to each other anymore. We broke up at the beginning of December .... because, well, after ignoring me for a month, I began to suspect something was up, and basically called her out on it and it seems that according to her she never really had strong feelings for me in the first place and that she was essentially using me because she didn't want to be lonely, and yet she said that because of me, she was unable to spend time with her friends... For one thing, I never ever stopped her from hanging out with her friends ... and for another thing, why the hell did she feel lonely if she had all these friends she wanted to hang out with? Talk about double standards ... but anyway, the end of our relationship was not the best ... and I was really heartbroken because I really loved her, and gave her my whole heart... and in fact, it still bothers me because I never wanted it to end, but at the same time, it's probably best that it did. I would hate to think I was still being used as we speak.
But that aside, I have other, less negative news.
I will hopefully be graduating this coming Fall! But I suppose it's about time LOL ... That's not my big news though ... my big news is that I am going to the United Kingdom (Specifically England) in May! I am so excited for this trip! I cannot wait! I have wanted to go there for so long. It's my dream trip! And I never thought I'd get the chance to go, but now I really am going and I am super excited and happy about it! While I am there I am planning to attend an Anime Convention called MCM London Expo! And I will have fellow Hetalia cosplayers to hang out with. I made friends with a girl from there, and she cosplays Canada (which is funny because she's British) and England as well, and I cosplay both those character too! (which is also funny because I am a Canadian who cosplays England LOL ) ... so I am also super excited to get to meet her in person, as well as her friend who she said is coming along as well!
I will be in England for a month so I am hoping that in that month I will get a chance to visit Scotland and maybe even France. It all depends on how much money I will have with me and all that! And hey, maybe I'll meet some cute British person over there ... although I don't think I can do the long distance relationship thing ... but who knows LOL ...
My other news is not quite as exciting, but also pretty cool .... and that is that I got a brand new computer. It's a Desktop computer... my first one ever... and it's quite nice. My parents have a desk top but I, myself, have always had a laptop. Anyway, so far I am enjoying this computer but it's still taking a bit to get used to!
Other than that, life goes on. We had a bit of a scare just before Christmas (right around the time that Christina and I broke up) in which my sister ended up in the Hospital. She had to have her gall bladder removed. But it didn't go as smoothly as it should have, and she was in a lot of pain for a while there. I felt really terrible for her. It was pretty sad ... but she seems to be doing much better now! So that is good!
Overall, 2012 was a pretty shitty year for myself and my family. I would say the only highlight of 2012 for me was going to visit my best friend, Beata, in Los Angeles! So basically I am really glad 2012 is over. So far 2013 is looking better but we shall see how the year progresses. We're still only in the first month of it after all.
Well, that is all!
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