Adam Lambert Ambient Versions "If I Had You" + "Voodoo"

Sep 02, 2010 02:46

So by now a lot of you have probably heard that mp3 that's been going around of Justin Bieber's "U Smile" slowed down by 800% in to a gorgeous ambient masterpiece. If not check it out here.

Because I'm a nerd with too much time on my hands, I of course had to try this with Adam's songs. First I did If I Had You. The results are pretty amazing. It's 30:24 in length and sounds, well, you kind of have to listen to find out. Sometimes it sounds medieval, sometimes it sounds ghostly, sometimes new age-y. It's pretty cool. It starts kind of slow but at around 5:05 the sound suddenly gets really full and gorgeous.

You can listen to it online at soundcloud:

And here's an mp3 if anyone wants to download:

Then I did Voodoo. I actually think it sounds even more awesome than IIHY. It's got an alien quality to it. Call it sci fi glam lol. :D

Voodoo, stretched approximately 7.95 times in Paulstretch.

On soundcloud:

Here's an mp3 download:

americanidol, cdcoverart, audio, adamlambert, mp3

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