1. Unzip the zip file you downloaded
here into a folder. Double click on the file named paulstretch.exe.
2. The application window will open. First you need to open the file you want to stretch. Paulstretch can work with mp3, ogg, or wav files. There are a couple of ways to open a file:
(a) by dragging an audio file to the top bar.
(b) by using the File>Open menu to navigate to the file you want.
3. Once you have your file open you can play with the settings to get the sound you want. The main setting you need is the stretch setting.
4. Once you have a sound you like, click the tab that says Write to File. Then click the large button that says Render Selection. A box will pop up:
(a) First choose in what format you want to output your file by clicking the dropdown menu where it says Show. Paulstretch can output wav or ogg files. If you want an mp3, you'll have to use a program to convert your file to mp3 when you're done. I recommend
Free Mp3 Wma Converter 1.91.
(b) Now you need to navigate to a folder where you want to save your file. This is a bit tricky as the interface for this program is a little non intuitive. Basically I suggest clicking on the menu where it says Favorites and then choosing My Computer. From there you can click on drives and folders like you would in explorer to navigate to where you want to save your file.
(c) Now name your file. In the box that says Filename, place your cursor after the name of the folder where it's going to be saved and type a name. See example:
5. Now click the Render button and the program will start to render your file. Depending on the size of your file and how much you stretched it, this can take awhile. It took me about 20 minutes to render a 3 minute mp3 into a 30 minute stretched ogg file. Once it's done rendering you're done. Enjoy your new creation. :D