I dreamed about Bill last night

Jul 18, 2012 11:24

Last night, I dreamed that Bill Gerber and I were together again, at what appeared to be a big SF convention, roughly about the size of an old-style Minicon before they downsized it. We were palling around, doing the things we liked to do, but I felt sad because he was leaving. He showed me things he'd written that had been pretty clearly inspired by me or by things I'd said, and we started talking about what to do about dinner....

...and then I woke up.

Normally, I don't remember my dreams, but this one, I did. Were I inclined to the supernatural, which I am not, I would say that possibly Bill reached out across the veil that separates the living from the dead so we could be together again. However, I am a non-believer in things supernatural, following the dictums of the Great Sage Kung Fuzi, and I figure it's not too surprising that he'd figure in a dream of mine. We were best buddies for just about half my life, after all, and closer than we were to our own blood siblings in a lot of ways.


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