AHHH STUDY ABROAD IN LESS THAN A WEEEEEK. (So I never really thought the words "international student" would apply to me -- sue me for being excited. XD)
But. Writing.
I want to do it. I have the urge. The creative impulse is overflowing and the longer I live the more I realize that it has to be writing. I can sustain other outlets longer, but the flame never burns as bright. There's something awfully kinky about how all my metaphors for writing seem to lean towards pain and the overwhelming need to hurt myself to get the words out, but whatever. Maybe it's not a need to hurt myself, but to let myself hurt -- as opposed to repressing the hurt. Man, I overanalyze too much. Shutting up now.
As I was saying, writing. Ashlei and I made a co-claim over at
30_quills, which ought to be a lot easier and lower-pressure on both of us, since we can share the weight. We claimed Wolfwood, Ash to draw on each prompt and I to write on them... It'll probably swap up between stories based off of her art and art based off of my stories, but we'll try to collaborate on what each prompt ought to mean so that each story & drawing actually go together. (And it'll be good for me because as I was skimming down
the prompt list I kept thinking "VxW... VxW... WxMid?... VxW... VxW/V-POV... V... V... K... VK... VK... K... wait, wait, W! W dammit! okay go back", which is what generally happens when I look at a list of prompts with Trigun in mind. Fixated on the twins much? Er. But Ash is a major Wolfwood fan and not so much about the yaoi, which, although I WILL be writing some VxW because hot damn some of those prompts are freakishly good for them, it won't be smutty (sorry those of you who wanted it) and it'll be more friendship/love borderline dilemma identity/loyalty confusion thing, which of course of is what the whole interaction between the two is about. ^_^. And Ash ought to keep me thinking about other characters, shock, Wolfwood interacts with people who are not Plants. *headdesk* Like, I keep forgetting that when it's just a single character claim, I don't have to be faithful to a pairing. Like, I might even write Wolfwood/Milly. And wouldn't that just make everyone's heads explode.)
Personally I'm more interested in manga!Wolfwood, but we'll probably work off of both. Anime!Wolfwood is a lot tamer and less complicated to write.
Anyway. I'm just rambling because I can.
Tomorrow more packing. (ARGH MORE PACKING.)