ph34r my mad doll-clothing skillz

May 06, 2007 23:26

Image heeeeeaaaaaavvvyyyyyy, yes.

First there was a mechanical arm. And Nightow saw that it was goo--

Okay, not so much with the Biblical. Remind me to show off the Epic Fail hat someday or not. >_<

But yes, I followed up the glove with the arm. Glove done the same way and you can see how it is rather mittenish with all the fingers, but oh well. Tried to give it some definition with gold paint. No elbow armor yet, but I was going to mess with that at the same time I do the knee plates, which will be -- not anywhere in the near future. (Going to read for the rest of this week, and not so much with the crafting in England. Then DragonCon costumes are the big July project, but the doll thing might sneak back in...)

Aaaand the arm is accompanied by glasses and earring!

Earring is just a tiny (like quarter inch long) bit of 26 gauge silver wire. Got to give him a piercing with a fairly thick straight pin, which I found amusing. It could be removed, but it's in tight and why bother?

(I was just amazed I got my camera to focus that well on the second shot)

A better example of my camera's crappy focus --

To make the glasses I used a single-hole hole-puncher to clip two circles of clear plastic out of the front of an old action figure box that hasn't gotten thrown away yet. (Yeah, the scale is that small. Am I crazy? not answer.) The "frames" as such are just three bits of that same 26 gauge wire, and the shaping and gluing was just a tedious matter invovling two pairs of needle-nosed pliers, some industrial-strength glue and a straight pin. Painted the wire black, put one drop of watered-down orange acrylic on the inside of each lens and viola.

I had to do it twice because the first time I glued the earpieces facing the opposite direction and didn't notice until the inward-curved nosepiece kinda wouldn't occupy the same space as his nose. Dammit.

NOW THE COAT. This coat is an absolute bitch to put together. OMG. You do not know until you do it. (And I've made a human-size costume Vash coat before, so I KNOW.)

I didn't get any pictures of the separate pieces because I wasn't thinking, but here's the very very base. Bodice -- back is one piece, front two -- and sleeves. I HATE SET-IN SLEEVES OH YES I DO ahem. Here's the part where I'm crazy: No Pattern.

This is what I like to call the Pope Vash look.

Including some nice background imagery of my living room couch, coffee table, front door, and the cat who was very very annoyed with me for making him sleep on the back of the couch inside of in my lap. Poor thing.

So other than that lovely base, which it took an entire day to hem (Loooong straight, tiny running stiches, about an eighth of an inch allowance? Ha. Ha. Ha.)....

Let's see... in order left to right... that's the mantle, the one long bit at the top is the failed collar (later replaced by a bigger piece), the white bits are Velcro, the other two long horizontal strips are the unfolded, unhemmed straps that go around the sides, the little bitty red pieces with black dots are the epaulettes (one sleeve, two shoulder, two coattail), and the VERY long piece on the far right is of course the front plate, sans buttons.

Coat base with mantle assembly attached at the shoulder seams and around the neckline:

There were about seven or eight layers of fabric where the collar finally met the neck. Between attaching the collar to the mantle and the mantle to the already-hemmed neck of the base -- yeah, NEVER coming loose.

Now with more front plate and size reference. My thumb, my knee. My very very small coat.

My indispensible reference. Trigun art book Format Material section is love.

Button action, oh noez!

Button action with added doll...

And with added side straps...

... that attach in the front with Velcro for future undressability. (Hello Wolfwood Barbie. Why no the leather doesn't come off, thanks for asking. Work around it?)



This is doll!Vash telling desktop!Vash, "Hey, I'm not wearing any pants"

Future work includes.... er... pants. But why? And boots, and elbow armor, and knee armor, and forcing the hangy-downy bits his hair to actually hang down. MAYBE a fake leather top that could look like one piece with the pants, to make a "bodysuit" of sorts, but not a full-out bodysuit. Ha ha ha NO. And if I do the top, it'll be based off the mangaverse Fifth Moon incident, because there's lots of references in that VashKnives fight and I'm fairly certain the manga top is sleeveless, which the anime bodysuit is not. Since his gloves aren't removable, sleeveless would be the only thing that would work. (Also sleeves are the devil.)

So there you go! One Trigun doll (mostly) down. Only five more (as currently planned). But this amount of work only took about 4 days, so.

For now he shall remain pantsless. For his pants and boots will be murder, and my brain does not need more asplosion.

Vash would probably be into that hippie nudist stuff if he didn't have all those scars. He ought to be anyway.


what, i can dream

dolls, trigun, art

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