Nov 16, 2006 15:43

All right, guys, break out the crayons and pencils!
We want you to draw us a zombie; we don't care what kind, whether it's a person, half of a person, an animal, some mythical creature or otherwise, just zombify it!

We have begun an open project to collect as many pieces of unique zombie art as we can, from high-end to kindergarten-style. All of these creative works will be featured on our dorm room door, and, if we get enough, will continue down the hallways of Grossnickle Hall.

You can get your drawings to us by many forms of mail. You can email me ( either the digital art (MS Paint, Photoshop, or anything similar) or a fairly high-resolution photo. Keep in mind that I will be printing out these pictures, so try not to get a blurry shot. They will also be cut out so don't worry about backgrounds. If you want to mail it to me (determined people) and have the original displayed, mail them to me at:

Ashlei Stewart
1100 College Street MUW 332
Columbus, MS 39701

Thanks so much! Let's get this project off the ground, and off the door!

Because it doesn't need to be Halloween (or scary) to have lots of zombies.

The original LJ post and pictures of Tom and Anne, the first two zombies!

Also, the Warcraft video set to Jonathan Coulton's "re: Your Brains" that started the insanity.

Note from Rave:

This is MY dorm (Ashlei's my suitemate and the creator of Tom, the first zombie), not some random chain thing. So if you want to contribute, pretty pretty please, do -- and if you know anyone who might want to draw a zombie and submit it for shits and giggles, tell them too! We're also starting a submissions thread on and anywhere else we can think of. It would be awesome if we could spread zombies down the hall for Christmas. XD

Also, credit to my evil, evil mother rainweaver13 for finding the Coulton video and getting the song stuck in all our heads. Thanks, Rain!


ETA: Now with my own William, the Shakespearian zombie!

school, random, art

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