homemade poem spam!

Nov 14, 2006 23:45

So we had a Midnight Writer's meeting tonight, and I don't usually post the products of those things -- shudder -- but today we did poetry, and mine's not too shabby if I do say so myself. One fanfic (FMA, Scar), two real-life (one serious, one less so). Freeeeeform, yay. (Can't do forms or rhyme, they suck.)

Before the Storm
Before the storm came the smell
Dust on the wind, burning
His eyes like tears.
He didn’t understand the people in the wet country.
Rain was nothing.

Somewhere along the road the wind picked up
Yet some time before he had become the stone
Roots not roots, but the bones of the red earth.
Only water could break him
A little at a time,
Like the things that had broken him before

A child dead
A scar
Drops in the sea
In the storm

But the dust, he cherished
Because it was clean fire,
Not water that coated and drowned.
And each burn was life --
Red underneath, flowing, as hot as
The wind before the storm.

Kingdom of the Blind
Email for months
So excited, like nothing I’d felt before
A friendship this deep, this fast
Based on such commonality
As shouldn’t be legal

First meeting, excited still
Hard hugs and rough touches
Born of uncertainty
(If you don’t know how to say it,
Say it loudly)

Everything softened, became routine
But where I stopped, it kept going
Becoming softer, until
The looks were like pure worship
I became afraid
of myself
my rough touches
my tough love

I learned to hate romance
(I still do)
And people whose only refuge is in anger
or fear
Whose only defense is silence
Because all I want to do is talk
Without disproportionate consequences
Without tears and awkward silences
And worshipful looks directed at me
and my anger --
it’s nothing worth respect.

The world is not ending.
Let’s all just get along.

I act as if
Death took me ages ago.
Brooding, I stalk the streets,
Clinging to shadows
As darkness clings to me.
No twig breaks beneath my boots,
Nothing to signal
My imminent approach.
Children cross the street, frightened
Of my rictus grin,
My hollowed eyes,
And the bag I carry, which looks heavy
With sweet tokens from my victims.
God, I love Halloween.
(This commemorates the... mm... fourth time I've worn my Crow costume on Halloween and scared the shit out of a bunch of little kids! Whoo!)

and the icon? I just really, really wanted to use it. *shrug* *goes back to dancing and making Jello*

poetry, fma, original writing, personal, fic

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