Davy Jones/Bootstrap Bill OTP for the win

Aug 06, 2006 17:35

Bloody serial media fandoms. Still got the Crusades hovering on my horizons of interest, but now bloody PotC fandom has taken over. I liked the first one infinitely better, but it didn't hijack my brain this bad. How fair is that? Plus a resurgence of Farscape & Trigun fandoms seems imminent, for reasons unknown.

Speaking of Trigun, I AM A MORON. No, srsly. I've been piddling around with "Earth to Earth" for so long because I knew the plot of, like, the next scene and the final chapter, and nothing else. And last night the most embarrassingly obvious solution in the world smacked me upside the head, which I cannot share for the shame of not having thought of it before. *has a terrible suspicion that various readers had always thought that this particular plot was the obvious way in which the story would resolve, and that I was the only one to slow to see it* Anyway. Plans. Outlines. No-longer-indefinite length. Omg shock. Now to put my sorry butt in gear and write it. Maybe I'll actually finish it within the same decade in which I started it. *flag wave*

And, to fill my daily quota of random, a found-word poem consisting of about two pages' worth of actual quotes I overheard people saying during my junior & senior years of high school.

What did you do on number five?
I got the same thing for the last two answers.

No lollygaggers, No scallawags, No shenanigans

How old were they when they were born?
Just remember -- Saran wrap is NOT a condom.
Josh, you are such a bowel movement!
Oh, you felt it too?

Pot calling the kettle purple.
I have a photographic memory, there’s just no film in the camera.

Blood makes the grass grow.

He copied me!

I have ADHD. That’s like, ADD squared.
If you don’t leave my stuff alone, We. Will. Fight.
I don’t get mad, I get nekkid.

It’s not as dirty as “I want to stick my key in your ignition.”
Stop it, Jeremy. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
Get me another one of those stick thingies.
I wonder what that smell was...

Pay your money. Punks.
Shut up airplanes!
You could join the lesbians... I mean thespians! Thespians!

Do you know how Hitler tied his shoes?
In little Nazis.

Why is alcohol called a depressant? It makes me happy.

Be careful when you say “circumscribe” too fast.
Kids, ya’ll hush and watch the TV.
If this book says the word “benevolent” ONE MORE TIME --
I’m sure “pogrom” is just a typo for “program.”

I don’t do little dead children.

Ain’t is NOT a word!

Easiest way to identify a drag queen: no eyebrows.
You made me ink.
(POP) Yeah, we’re a bunch of losers.
Not everyone has monkeys in their bellybutton like me!
Your coat was trying to smut me to death.

Breast implants gone wrong.
CREEK with a MORE!
Epidermis is so overrated.

Hey Devin, you know you’re a pretty woman...

You know, most guys have to wait five minutes before they can do that again.

Can we use our brains?
No, turn it off.
He wrote it on a pen in a piece of paper!

Wouldn’t it be crazy if you had a rainbow turd?
Is journalism a language?
What does G.E.D. stand for?
General Education Diploma, I think.

And until tomorrow, I’m your student body president.
(And who’re you gonna to be tomorrow, Elvis?)
Have a nice day.

Holy crap, I'm going to college in a week.

trigun, poetry, earth to earth, original writing

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