retro, whee!

Jan 29, 2006 16:20

Maybe I was too tired to appreciate play practice last time, or maybe it just had to get ridiculous enough that shame was no longer an option before I could cut loose. But man, today's practice was fun. We look so utterly horrible right now, it's hilarious. And the guys are awesome -- I really hope they do some of their cutting up and ad-libbing in the real thing, because Vince and William doing riverdance on top of the high risers during Go Go Go Joseph is perhaps the funniest thing I have ever seen. Evar.

Anyway... it occurred to me last night that some of the best fics I've read this year have been AU Remus/Sirius multiparters. So I though I'd rec a few of them for those who might be interested -- two complete, one a WIP (very close to the end, I think).

Hope is the thing with feathers... by oddsbobs -- Not enormously deep, but with some neat concepts. A very engaging, fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat read. HBP AU: The basic plot premise is that two weeks after the incident in the Department of Mysteries, Remus starts hallucinating Sirius all over the place (or so he thinks...). This one's complete (start at the bottom of the page).

The Maddest House by busaikko, who is an awesome writer all-round and I also muchly recommend "R and D" for anyone who likes Snape/Lupin. Anyway, the above link takes you to busaikko's complete story list; halfway down the page you'll see the links to all the Maddest House chapters. (It's rather long.) Entire-series AU, with a simple but wildly story-altering change: Sirius and Remus raise Harry, rather than the Dursleys. Well-balanced angst and humor, everything wonderfully in-character (Harry is absolutely adorable), and busaikko writes with a beautiful understated depth that makes me totally jealous. XD

Do Wizards Dream of Magical Sheep? by keelywolfe -- Much darker (and pornier, but in a character-developing way) than the other two. Sirius shows up out of nowhere about a year after his death; he doesn't remember anything beyond a point a few days before his death, but he can't see Harry or hear Harry's name without feeling a terrible bloodthirsty rage and urge to kill. HBP AU -- also a WIP, with the latest update being part 10. Updates are posted on remusxsirius, or at least that's where I'm following it.

Happy reading!

recs, harry potter, personal

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