homemade picspam

Sep 16, 2005 17:54

I had tests in every class today. They were all hard. My brain is putty. So I will show off pretty colors and stuff now.

I was attacked in Journalism (okay, I didn't have a test in there) by a mob of juniors with straighteners. People at my school have been lusting after my hair forever and ever, and these guys'd been threatening to do something to it for a week. So they did. It's neat; I think straight looks better with the black, but curls definitely look better when it's red. I'm ready for it to be red again. This is the perfect Sabriel hair; sucks that I didn't have my little junior-flunkies with me at D*Con.

My one little thing I got from the Art Room at DragonCon. It's so CUTE! *has an attack of the fuzzy wibbles*

I made this for English a couple years ago; we've got to make another one this weekend for the Arthurian legend, which is what made me remember it. I jump all over "creative" assignments like no one's business. I'm thinking about doing two for Arthur. Such an overacheiver. (All the text and the swirly lines and everything was hand-drawn -- it started out as a bad printout with grainy straight lines.)

Best thing I've drawn in forever and a day. I just settled on one frame of Riven and sat at my computer for hours, drawing it -- it's the view from the far end of the first bridge you ever get to on Temple Island, facing the door into the Gate Room (that's the Golden Dome rising over the cliff). I'm thinking about adding a hint of computer-color, but I really love the shading.

And the best picture of me that I think has ever been taken. This was at a Renaissance Fair when we lived in CA, I believe.

random, art

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