in which I go overboard

Jun 07, 2010 00:41

Swiped from kiyou_hime.

1. list 10 "ONE TRUE PAIRINGS" that you admire.
2. put all of them in order (10-1, 1 is the ultimate OTP). - This is just not possible. I love them all for different reasons.
3. supply photos for said people.
4. post a quote/lyric you associate with them.
(And, if you're me, ramble on for days about why you love them.)

Ouch... to have to choose only 10! But I think these are most of the biggies. I tried to limit it to pairings I've actually written, but that didn't quite work. In cases where pairing fic by me is available, links are provided.

(An extra little game can be guessing the quotes. They're all songs.)

I apologize to the internet at large for not having sources for any of these images. Suffice to say that I did none of the fanart, scanning, screencapping, editing or captioning myself.

1. Remus Lupin/Sirius Black (Harry Potter)

"Love endures; it clings away. When asked to leave, it begs to stay."

I've written hundreds of thousands of words of Harry Potter fanfiction. Very little of it is in the form of completed stories that I deemed decent enough to post online. So here are links to those very, very few.
Still Life With Circuitry, in which Remus attempts to explain computers; in response to a fic by yma2.
Illusion of Truth, in which Sirius/Remus and Remus/Tonks are not mutually exclusive events, and I express my dislike of a particular sick and twisted idea that popped up in fandom as soon as the 6th book came out.
A Thousand Words, in which Harry looks at some photos, figures some things out and is mature about it.
The Hanged Man, in which Sirius hangs upside down from a balustrade and considers the good things in life, which surprisingly include Remus. Preferably naked. For kiyou_hime.

2. Steve Rogers (Captain America)/Tony Stark (Iron Man) (Avengers, Marvel comics)

On a good day...

Tony to Steve: "I was your anger and you were my fear; now that it's over, of course it's so clear that you were no angel and I was no sin. Somehow I can't let you go again."

Steve to Tony: "My song is love: love to the loveless shown. And it goes on - you don't have to be alone. You don't have to be on your own."

Happy fangirl world!

Real Marvel world!

Civil War was a thinly veiled slashfic through and through, centered on the Worst. Breakup. Ever.

I haven't written any postable fic about them yet, but I've begun to play around with them. I have, however, written up a fanmix with lyrics and explanations that I'm going to polish up and post soon.

There exists a ship manifesto explaining why this pairing rules the world which is possibly the best summary of any OTP I've ever had. It leaves nothing to be said.

There is also a list of moments in canon that add up to some overwhelming and irrefutable gayness (and prove that fangirls aren't just making these things up).

Also, I must share a NSFW piece of fanart of Steve and Tony on a couch that may be one of my all-time favorite pieces of fanart of all time simply because of the style and the boggling degree of detail. This is what ALL COMIC ART SHOULD LOOK LIKE. The anatomy is precise and subtle, the posing and composition are fluid and real. There is barely restrained movement in the linework, from Steve's fingertips showing through Tony's hair to the slight tilt of Tony's left ankle. It's erotic for the first few minutes, but after that it's just sublime to look at on so many other levels. The instep of Steve's right foot... Tony's right hand... and almost more than anything else in this picture, what just KILLS me is the slight gaping of the pocket in Tony's slacks. I mean, I love well-drawn fabric folds in general, but DAAAYUM. I want to be able to draw like that. The subject matter also, yes, but mostly just... LIKE THAT. I mean. Guh. (And yes, I love all of this person's art, check out her DevArt account. There isn't much, but there's some more Steve/Tony, including my favorite genderbending art of that pair on the internet, and some SPN.)

3. Apollo/Midnighter (The Authority, Wildstorm comics)

"Hideaway. Well, they'll seat us in the sun.
By the way... you know you've always been the one."

CANON! See, Marvel? Take notes. Kthx.

I do have a thing for light/dark combos, don't I? Um.

One pretty recent fic:
Dying of the Light, in which the world ends a few times over. Then it gets better.

4. John/Aeryn (Farscape

"In your tears and in your blood; in your fire and in your flood.
I hear you laugh, I heard you sing. I wouldn’t change a single thing.

And the wheels just keep on turning. The drummers begin to drum.
I don’t know which way I’m going - I don’t know what I’ve become."

I refuse to link to some of my older fics, which are embarrassments to the species. More recently, though:
Snapshots, in which I use a lot of run-on sentences to sequence the relationship from its beginning to something approaching an end.

5. Vash/Wolfwood (Trigun/Trigun Maximum)

"Maybe there's a God above, but all I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you. And it's not a cry that you hear at night, it's not somebody who's seen the light - it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah."

I have this poster. It makes me happy. :D

Does not make me happy. ;_;

I wanted to include the fingers-digging-into-the-back page from volume 10 (if you know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm talking about), but without context it's less of a kick in the gut than it is when you're actually invested (in either the series or the pairing). Oh, Nightow. Why lavish so much detail on that scene if you're not trying to say something?

I wrote vast quantities of Trigun fic back in the day, but very little of it was V/W or even featured Wolfwood at all. I did a lot of stuff about Vash and Knives dealing with the fallout of the end of the anime, and then I never really wrote anything for the manga because it was so good that I was always at a loss for what I could possibly add that would be any better. Besides, other writers beat me to all the good ideas, and executed them better than I ever would. tiggymalvern's V/W stuff is the best there is for this pairing, IMO.

6. Jack/Ianto (Torchwood)

"I never knew you, but now I'm haunted by your past. How long will this last?
I thought you loved me - you say you love me - love's just a shadow that you cast.
And all my dreams come round in threes always. I'm independent but I'm tied to you.
You lied to me, I'd die for you, but I can't read your mind.
I'm lost without you... an empty feeling deep inside. I want to run and hide.

I'll let you use me
And just abuse me
But I want you to be mine."

Nearly a whole song for these two. But oh man, it is the best song for them.

I've costumed as Ianto before. kiyou_hime was my Jack. OMG IT WAS AWESOME. (I've forgotten how to do my Welsh accent, though. Clearly I must watch the show again...)

Sorry, but I'm about to picspam this pair. Ugh, I miss what Torchwood used to be SO MUCH. *RTD stabbity death*

Re: Children of Earth:

My own fics about them:
Carbon Footprint, in which being eco-friendly is a problem.
•  Thirty Minutes, in which Jack convinces Rhys to go on an errand instead of making beans and toast.

I have a Torchwood/Doctor Who/Supernatural crossover upwards of 100K words still in the works, where it has been since 2007, and maybe someday you will see it. Or maybe not. But it does have Janto. I would have written a lot more Torchwood fic, but all my characterization energy was spent on this epic, hence why the only completed stories that ever made it off my hard drive were tiny fluff bombs.

7. Dio/Lucciola (Last Exile)

"I can't escape this hell, so many times I've tried... Somebody get me through this nightmare, I can't control myself. Help me believe it's not the real me."

Agh, I wish I had a less depressing quote I associated with them. But... poor post-Trial Dio just has that "I have no mouth and I must scream" brainwash thing going on, and poor Lucciola can't do anything and it's so saaaad. D:

Okay, look at this:

And now look at the most amazing cosplay EVER:


My own fics about them:
•  For I Speak Not Loud Or Long, in which Lucciola grows up so Dio doesn't have to.
Year to Year, in which Delphine's birthday gifts always suck, except for Lucciola.

8. Angela/Hodgins (Bones)

"I can't see the stars anymore living here... let's go to the hills where the outlines are clear. Bring on the wonder; bring on the song. I've pushed you down deep in my soul for too long."

Aw, they were so unpolished back in season 1. Hodgins is kind of fluffy and Angela is less made-up than usual. WHY SO ADORABLE DAMMIT PEOPLE.

I don't really have an explanation for my love for these two. Their love is one of those cosmic things that transcends explanation. Thank god they finally got hitched. In jail!

I haven't written anything for them, nor have I even read a single Bones fic in my life, so it's a bit weird that this pairing beats out several on the Honorable Mention list that I have written fic about. But I'm choosing to let my inner sap out for the day, and most of these pairings that made the top ten are ones that I really feel are in some way stable or healthy or have the potential to be stable and/or healthy, circumstances permitting. Of course that means that Desmond/Penny should be on equal footing with Angela/Hodgins, but the latter makes me squee more, so it wins.

Geek love. :3

9. Crowley/Aziraphale (Good Omens)

"Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name."

Okay, the song doesn't remind me of them in any specific way. Crowley is certainly not so bad as to deserve comparison to Lucifer. But an upbeat song about Satan just fits nicely with, according to Word of God, "a very funny book about the Apocalypse."

The sheer existence of a book co-authored by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett ought to have made the universe implode years ago, TBH.

I have a longish SPN/Good Omens crossover coming someday in the nearish future, or after I wrap up the denouement and edit the hell out of it. LOL pun. Um. Not intended. The premise is basically that the demon in SPN named Crowley is... Crowley. And Aziraphale wheedles him into interfering more than he would like to. Hilarity and lots and lots of cameos ensue.

10. Tom/Carl ("Young Wizards" series by Diane Duane)

"This is the first day of my life; I'm glad I didn't die before I met you. Now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you and I'd probably be happy."

To my knowledge, no fanart or official art exists of them whatsoever. In the books, they're both wizards; they've been partners in wizardry for (it is implied) a very, very large portion of their adult lives. They're both in their mid-thirties. Tom is described as being tall, broad-shouldered, with vaguely unkempt black hair turning gray rapidly for his age due to the stress of his job. He and Carl are two of the 24 Senior wizards for the planet Earth: they act as advisors to younger and more powerful wizards, go on call for field work ("field" here including the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe - wherever their work takes them) when the Powers That Be need them to. Every wizard has a specialty, and while others may have more brute power or insight into a problem, Tom is a spell-writer: he does the wizardly equivalent of writing the code for a program proposed by someone else. Tom's day job is as a freelance writer, so he works from home. He is originally from San Francisco, but fanon holds that he moved to New York to be with Carl once their wizardly partnership started. Carl is a born and bred New Yorker with a thick Brooklyn accent and an impressive mustache. He is about the same height as Tom, also with dark hair, though he keeps his shorter. His eyes are noted several times as being a clear, warm gray. He works at an inner-city TV station selling ad time, but he also specializes in time manipulation: he can sell you a bit of last Thursday if you want it. He works a lot with timeslides and worldgates, common transportation methods among wizards.

The first book in this series came out in 1983, the most recent in 2010. I started reading them young and didn't read any subtext into Tom and Carl's relationship for many years. In fact, it was only during a recent re-reading of the whole series that the conspicuousness of two single men living together in heteronormative suburbia, behaving exactly the same as the teenaged characters' various sets of parents, really hit me. And yes, Diane Duane has stated (very much under the radar) that they are gay, but that she will never make an issue of it in the books. I have a lot of respect for that.

They're just normal people trying to do their best in stressful circumstances. The whole series treats magic not as a wand-waving solution to all problems, something that can be performed without sincerity, but rather as an ability that requires a focused clarity of thought, desire, intellect and attitude. There cannot be a bad wizard, because wizardry only thrives in those who love life and living.

So most of the time Tom/Carl is a relationship without much drama. It's just a quiet, retiring love, shared in the background by two people willing to share love with anything that exists, for no reason other than its existence. The one really wrenching event in their lives so far comes spaced out between a couple of the more recent books, when a Big Bad is affecting the universe in such a way that wizards are losing their power, starting with the older and more senior wizards. Not only do they lose their power, adult wizards also forget what wizardry is and that they ever had it. Although the books focus on a set of teen characters, Tom and Carl are like the Sirius and Remus of their series: you know there is a rich, fully-embodied personal drama playing out between them, but the reader only sees snippets of it. So that period between losing their power, losing their memory, and then their reactions when the Day is Saved and everything comes rushing back is my favorite bit of the series in terms of shipping Tom/Carl. I've almost completed a fic based around these events called "Tryptich," which I'm sure will posted before too many longs.

Everyone should read this series, BTW. And then write fic. Lots and lots of gen, novel-length fic. Because Duane can't write the books fast enough.

Honorable mentions:
Mulder/Scully (The X-Files)
Sabriel/Touchstone (The Old Kingdom by Garth Nix)
Desmond/Penneh (Lost)
Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ichigo/Ishida (Bleach)
Shinji/Kaworu (Evangelion)
Glitch/Cain (Tin Man)
Adama/Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)
Doctor/Master (Doctor Who)

OT3+ honorable mentions: Mabudachi Trio (Fruits Basket), Ichigo/Ishida/Chad (Bleach) - OMG so hard to find!, Jack Harkness/inhabitants of the known universe in any number or combination (not hard to find at all).

That was a nice break from cleaning my room. Now back to it!
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