maybe not the best spring break ever

Mar 15, 2010 14:23

I could whine about the weather not being as warm as I wanted, or how much work I have to do (on which I am making steady -- but very, very slow -- progress), or how there's a kind of tension in the house that is just the sort of funk that passes with time and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I could mention how it's a struggle to get out of bed because I want so badly to just sleep away this entire break. I could also mention that I'm getting two wisdom teeth pulled and two fillings the day after tomorrow, which is just the Valium and Lortab icing on the senioritis/seasonal affectiveness/phantom stress cake.

OR. I could simply say that I feel like shit and declare this an open sharing post to cheer me up. GIFs, music or book or fandom or fanfic recommendations, random squee about whatever you want. Go!

I'll start. Hugo Weaving has been cast as Red Skull, that's awesome! I wish they'd actually make up their minds about Cap, but I do tend to agree with this fandomsecrets post. (Pic linked in comment thread.) It makes me sad that they're casting Cap accurate to his comic age (mid-20s) even though they already cast Tony much older. I need my BFF chemistry!

And now for something completely different.

Tony loves you.


Seriously, I am having an affair with the briefcase armor gif. And the new trailer.

brb drooling,
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