
Jan 27, 2010 14:38

Your result for The Improved Book Character-Savvy Test...
More than good :)

You scored 76% Best Seller, 78% Classic and 100% Fantasy/Sci-Fi!

Well, well, well... We're pretty good at this, huh? Maybe we can work on our Classics... And if you prefer you can rent the Best-Sellers, yes. But it's quite good. Congrats.

Your rank: Lieutenant Kif Kroker (Just because I can. And he's a nice guy, isn't he?)
Take The Improved Book Character-Savvy Test at OkCupid

Am dropping my Ceramics class, which sucks massively. I need the time; the studio work is a huge time commitment, which I can't afford between theatre and Honors. (The theatre dept. treats its students as if the show is their full-time job, which is irritating.) The teacher was phenomenally nice about it, but is also teasing the hell out of me. I hope she understands when I say I NEVER do this. The shit really has to be up past my neck and above my eyeballs for me to finally admit that maybe I should wade out of the deepest part. I'm used to loading up to 19 credit hours (the max. allowed by the university) and then taking more classes by just asking the teacher if I can show up and participate off-roll. The fact that I am now dropping down to 12 hours (the min. for a full-time student) and still feel pretty close to my limits is... well, it's taking a lot of meditation exercises to keep me from freaking out.

Never dropped a class this late in the semester, and am discovering that the process is a real pain in the butt. Lots of signatures to get and fees to pay - it's impossible to be discreet about it at this point. Argh. And of all the classes I could have dropped to clear up time, this is the one I LEAST wanted to drop, but... it's in the evenings, which is bad against theatre, and it's the only thing I'm taking that isn't related to my degree... so it had to be the lowest priority. Stupid priorities! Sometimes I hate doing the efficient thing.

Retail therapy helped. Battlestar 4.5 DVD set on sale for $16, YES. Finally I can finish this show I've been picking my way through, on-and-off, for about 5 years. Also ordered China Mieville's Un Lun Dun, because I have such a weakness for Bizarro London types of stories. Neverwhere started it.

NEW MIEVILLE BOOK THIS SUMMER. WITH LONDON. AND THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. AND GIANT SQUID WORSHIPPERS. It's coming out just before my birthday, and I waaaaaaaant it. *grabby hands*

I like to think they eat squid sushi for Communion. XD
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