I just looked out of the window and saw a red kite gliding over the rooftops opposite. It's only close to that you get an idea of how immense and beautiful these creatures are :) This one looked like an adult, a pretty big one, wingspan must have been nearing the 2-metre mark. He swooped around a few minutes, showing off, and then headed off towards Rock Edge. It was rather surreal really, I've only seen then out over fields and woodland before, to see one across the road was rather like spotting a leopard wandering down the street or something :)
You can read a bit about them
Here I'm feeling a bit better now, not so ill as was yesterday, though still bit feeble and washed-out. I just recieved a rather blunt reply from an illustrator I was asking about work experience, as well :P. I can understand if people can't offer placements, but ffs, they don't have to be condescending/insulting as well.
Oh well. Screw him.