Fic: What Good Does Talking Do?

Feb 10, 2013 23:01

Title: What Good Does Talking Do? Chapter 10/?
Author: ravenalisa
Rating: eventually NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Through 7.5 but based on a fake spoiler for 7.8. 
Warnings: language, sexual content
Summary: Bobby and Sam find a way to bring Castiel back but they’ll need Dean’s help.

What Good Does Talking Do? Masterpost

Chapter Ten
Dean listened to the shower running through the door as he stared at his phone in disbelief.  Sam was right - as much as he hated to admit it.  No one knew the worst parts of him as well as Castiel did, and Castiel did tell him that he did it all for him.  Even the whole deal with Crowley was meant to protect Dean.  He really should have been more understanding.
Dean heard the water shut off.  He couldn’t help picturing what Castiel would look like on the other side of the door.

After hearing a loud crash, Dean rushed into the bathroom to make sure Castiel was alright.

Castiel was sprawled out on the ground, wearing only a pair of boxers with jeans tangled up at his ankles.

Dean laughed, “What?  Did you forget how to get dressed?”

“I tripped,” Castiel growled out.

Dean leaned down to give Castiel a hand up.

“And now my ass hurts,” Castiel complained, looking extremely pissed off.

“Poor baby,” Dean crooned as Castiel stood up and, with what was most definitely not a conscious decision, Dean’s hands slid around and began to massage Castiel’s ass cheeks.

Dean couldn’t believe what he was doing; his hands felt like they were on fire.

Friends do not massage friends’ asses.

Dean ripped his hands away as if they really were on fire then feigned nonchalance.

Dean was torn.  He really hadn’t meant to do that.  Should he apologize?  Laugh it off?  Pretend it didn’t happen?  Castiel seemed to decide not to acknowledge it.  Did Castiel know how weird that was?  Was he upset?  Did he like it?  Dean decided just to ignore it unless Cas said anything.  He knew he should probably turn around, but he stood watching Castiel’s body flex, studying the way the light seemed to caress his skin as he dressed.


Dean realized he had been staring at Castiel’s now clothed chest for over a minute, “Sorry, spaced out.”

Castiel tilted his head in consideration.

“It means my brain was taking a break from thinking about anything.”

Castiel still looked slightly confused but nodded anyway.

They stood that way for Chuck knows how long, staring at eachother silently.  Dean knew he should look away, but just like every other tine they did this, he just couldn’t tear his eyes away.

Dean briefly wondered what this would look like if someone was watching him.  He tended o do that more often since the alternate universe tv horror show Balthazar zapped them to.

Dean had avoided fan sites while he was there, petrified of what they’d be like.  The ones that exist because of the books were bad enough.  The things they had him and Sam do were horrifying.

How long have we been standing here?  Occasionally someone would show up and our staring matches but normally Castiel would suddenly tilt his head, as if listening to something fare away, before saying a brief ‘I must leave’ and fucking off to places unknown.  How in the hell are we going to stop with Cas grounded and Bobby and Sam away.

Dean’s stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten all day and drawing Castiel’s attention.  Dean felt a wave of relief followed quickly by arousal and panic when Castiel’s eyes sliding down his body caused an unexpected problem.  Dean knew Castiel was just looking at his stomach, but another part of him was starting to stand up at the attention it was nearly getting.

“Why don’t you order us something to eat while I hop in the shower?” Dean side-stepped around Castiel and turned the water back on.  “Do you remember where Bobby keeps the menus?”

Castiel looked irritated when Dean turned back around, “Of course I remember.”

“Hey, you’re the one who forgot how to dress,” Dean teased.

Castiel’s eyes narrowed and he slowly, but purposefully, stalked forward.  Dean didn’t know what Cas was intending to do.  He knew that Castiel wasn’t going to hurt him, but there was just something about BAMF Castiel that had that traitorous part of Dean standing at full attention and had Dean stumbling back nervously.

Dean tripped and would have gone down hard but Castiel caught him, pulling him up against his chest.

Castiel laughed, “Did you forget how to walk?”

Dean shot Castiel a look of annoyance before realizing the intimate position he was in, his body flush against Castiel’s.  Dean’s heart raced.  His pulse quickened.  Dean’s eyes shot down to Castiel’s lips.  They were so close it would really take nothing at all to close the distance and-  Dean jerked his eyes back up to Cas’.

Castiel’s eyes were fixated on Dean’s mouth.  Was Cas thinking what I was trying most desperately not to think?  Dean swallowed nervously, drawing Castiel’s eyes to dart briefly to Dean’s bobbing adam’s apple before returning to his lips.  Self-consciously, Dean licked his lips, forgetting the effect that type of action usually had.

“D-Dean?” Castiel’s voice quavered.

Dean was normally the type to act before considering consequences, but if the last couple of months had shown anything, they’d shown how much Dean needed Castiel in his life.  If it had been any other guy making Dean feel this way he would’ve just gone with it, but this was Cas, and he just couldn’t risk messing things up with him.

“Sorry…about ummmmm…before, Dean said as he gingerly slid out of Castiel’s arms.  “I was just teasing.”

“I know,” Castiel sounded disappointed, hell he looked disappointed.

Dean fought the urge to look down and see if Castiel had a boner, ‘cause if Dean saw that Cas did, he doubted he would have the willpower not to jump him.

“What type of food do you want me to order?” Castiel asked in a resigned tone.  It was almost enough to make Dean change his mind…almost, but not quite.  Nothing could mess up a friendship as much as sex.  Not that he knew that from personal experience, but it always messed up things on Dr. Sexy.

“You pick,” Dean smiled softly, “you know everything I like.”

“Not quite everything,” Castiel mumbled.

“What?  Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”

“What if they ask something I don’t know how to answer?” Castiel stated, pretending that was what he’d said in the first place.

“Then just ask them to hold on a minute and come ask me.”

Castiel seemed oddly gladdened by that answer.

Dean was definitely happy that Castiel’s mood seemed improved, but he just couldn’t figure out what had made him so happy.  He replayed the last few minutes out in his head as he undressed to get into the shower.

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AN: I'm trying to keep rotating my updates between my three stories and to keep updating as quickly as I can.  Hope everyone likes my explanation of how Dean and Cas' epic staring matches normally end.  Feedback is always greatly appreciated.

fanfic, supernatural, nc-17, dean/castiel, what good does talking do, destiel, wip

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