Nothing Alike Chapter 8/? WIP

Feb 08, 2013 03:38

Title: Nothing Alike Chapter 8/?
Author: ravenalisa
Rating: eventually NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Through 5.22
Warnings: none
Summary: The apocalypse is over.  Sam is in hell.  Castiel is in Heaven.  Dean is at Lisa's.  And Jimmy...well Jimmy's having dreams he'd rather not have...of a sexual nature...about Dean.  Destiel.  NOT Jimmy/Dean.

Nothing Alike Masterpost

~*~ Chapter Eight ~*~

Dean attempted to hide his disappointment once he realized there was no dessert coming.  He jumped up and grabbed his and Castiel’s plates, rinsing them off before placing them in the dishwasher, then going back to the table to pick up more.  As Dean picked up Claire and Amelia’s empty plates, Castiel vanished without a word.  Dean just shrugged and went back to clearing the table; he was, after all, used to this.

“Where’d he go?” Amelia asked worriedly, seeing all of her schemes blowing away in the slight breeze Castiel left in his wake.

“Don’t know,” Dean said simply as he shrugged carelessly again.

“Aren’t you worried?” she asked, wondering if maybe she was reading Dean’s feelings all wrong; she shouldn’t encourage Castiel if there was a chance Dean didn’t feel the same way.

“Nah,” Dean smiled as he continued to clear the table, “when he leaves like that it means he plans to come right back.”

“But why didn’t he say anything before he left?” Claire asked.  “Didn’t his mom teach him to say goodbye?”

“Far as I know, angels don’t have moms,” Dean answered simply, “’sides Cas just doesn’t seem to get some human things, like being polite or standing too close…you get used to it.

Castiel chose that moment to reappear, startling everyone, including Dean, “Jesu- Cas!  Thought I told you not to pop in quite so close.”

“My apologies,” Castiel said as he took a very small step away from Dean.

Amelia smiled widely.  With every passing interaction she felt even more sure of her course of action.

“I brought pie,” Castiel said as he handed Dean a steaming hot apple pie.

“Awesome,” Dean’s eyes shone with what Amelia was convinced was love for both pie and Castiel.

“I’m sorry you had to go get dessert Castiel,” Amelia felt the need to apologize for her failure as a hostess, “When James first came back he ate almost everything in sight.  He gained so much weight that we stopped eating dessert until he dropped it.  I’m afraid I just haven’t gotten into the habit of making it again.”

Castiel didn’t really know what to say, but he felt she wanted a response.  “I do not require any food but Dean is always disappointed when he doesn’t get pie.”

Dean didn’t look embarrassed; in fact he looked pleased that Castiel admitted to getting pie for him.

Amelia got up and grabbed clean plates, forks, and a knife and laid them on the table so Dean could serve the pie.

Before trying the pie she watched Dean carefully.  Watched as his eyes grew large and he whipped his head around to face Castiel, “Arlene’s Diner’s?!?”

“Yes Dean.”

“But they’re out of business!  I wasted a day driving out there just last month.  Did they open back up again?” he asked excitedly.

“No Dean.  They are still closed.”

“But then ho-  You-  Just for pie!  Are you alright?” Dean asked worriedly; then angrily, “What the hell were you thinking?  That last time you barely made it!”

“Am I missing something?” Amelia asked, hoping her interruption would stop Dean from doing something stupid, like driving Castiel away.

Dean huffed in annoyance, glaring at Castiel.

“Time travel is normally simple for angels.  He is upset because of the occasion that I time-travelled when I was cut off from heaven and had to take him and Sam back in time as well…the end result was less than pleasant.”

“Less than pleasant,” Dean repeated angrily.  “You freaking passed out!  You drank an entire liquor store and didn’t pass out.  For a while I thought it might kill you.”

“So you went back in time to get Dean’s favorite pie?”

“That is correct.”

Castiel’s matter-of-fact statement increased Dean’s worry, and it showed on his face as his anger increased.  What if Castiel made a habit of trying crazy things for no real reason?

“That was really sweet Castiel,” Amelia said as she kicked Dean under the table.

Dean saw Jimmy wince in sympathy as Dean rubbed his aching shin.  “Thank you Cas,” Dean said quietly.  “I overreacted.”

Castiel smiled slightly at the apology.

“Just please don’t do it again if there’s any chance it’ll hurt you or keep you from coming back.”

“I promise Dean,” Castiel answered as his smile grew.

Amelia hid her own smile, pleased with herself.  As she ate the pie, which was actually really amazing, she wondered if maybe she could convince Castiel to try to find the recipe the next time he went back.

AN:  Sorry these chapters have been so short.  Hope everyone's still liking it though.

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nothing alike, fanfic, supernatural, nc-17, dean/castiel, destiel, wip

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