Fic: Angel Lovin'

Jun 29, 2012 01:36

Title: Angel Lovin' Chapter 13/?
Author: ravenalisa
Rating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Through 5.10
Warnings: language, sexual content
Summary: Dean, Sam and Castiel search for a weapon to kill Lucifer.  Meanwhile Dean and Castiel grow closer and Sam over-analyzes everything while occasionally being an unintentional cock block.
Angel Lovin' Masterpost

҉҉҉ Chapter Thirteen  ҉҉҉

Dean lay awake, tense.  He was beginning to think that Sam would never fall into a deep sleep.  He’d been laying there quietly, pretending to be asleep for what felt like hours, and was more likely than not just under an hour.

Sam had fallen asleep fairly quickly, but he kept tossing and turning enough that Dean was afraid of waking him.

Dean’s eyes darted across the room as he heard the cot squeak in protest.  He could barely make out the figure of Castiel heading towards Sam’s bed.  Clenching his teeth, Dean fought back a wave of irrational jealousy.  He watched, heart pounding, as Cas stretched his hand out towards Sam’s face then breathed a sigh of relief as Cas drew back and turned towards Dean.

Castiel leaned over Dean, making a shushing motion with one hand while snagging Dean’s closest hand with the other.

Dean was instantly hard and raring to go.  At this point Dean could care less if Sam woke up and caught them in a compromising position.  Cas was making a move and Dean was finding that unbearable hot.

Dean gently removed his hand from Cas’ and slid on his jeans.  Quietly he picked up the car keys from the nightstand.  Silently they made their way across the room and slid the door shut behind with no more than a muffled click.

Castiel was on Dean in an instant, shoving him up against the motel room door and pushing his body up against Dean’s.  Castiel kissed with reckless abandon, a little rough, occasionally and (Dean was pretty sure) accidentally clashing their teeth together, and Dean loved every moment of it.

Dean was surprised by how much Cas’ take charge attitude was turning him on.  Sure, he’d been with aggressive women before and he’d sure as hell’d enjoyed it but there was something about the sense of being physically overpowered by Castiel that had Dean getting harder, faster than any sexual encounter in his vast experience.  Dean was actually a little embarrassed by the needy moans and gasps Castiel was wringing from him.

Dean turned his head to the side, ripping his lips from Castiel’s.  He opened his mouth to speak but his breath turned into a gasp as Castiel refocused his attention on Dean’s neck.

Dean squirmed, rubbing his body against Castiel’s strong, slender frame.

“Oh G-Cas!” Dean corrected himself in time.  Damn I’m so whipped.

“Shhhhh,” Castiel paused in his attentions.

“Immmmm-” Dean shoved Castiel from him.  After collecting himself for a moment he met Cas’ confused gaze.

Dean smiled lasciviously, “Come on,” he said as he tried to tug Castiel alongside him, “you can ravish me in the Impala.”  Dean jangled his keys in front of Castiel when he didn’t move.

Castiel’s eyes shot to the keys before meeting Dean’s eyes.  “N-not there,” he said quietly.

It was Dean’s turn to look confused.  “Why not?  Sam said there’s no other rooms and this is the only motel in town.”

When Castiel didn’t immediately answer, Dean continued, “He’ll be perfectly safe.  We warded the room before we went to sleep.”  Dean knew at this point that he was rambling but he couldn’t stop, “And you heard Sam say that the demon you hurled your sword through was just in the right place at the right time and was surprisingly smart enough to go for reinforcements before attacking.”

“It is not that,” Castiel commented as Dean took a breath.

“Then what is it?” Dean asked as patiently as possible given the fact that his penis was pressed painfully against his zipper.

“I saw you with her.”

“Who?” Dean asked, genuinely confused.

“Anna.  You…fornicated with her and allowed her to touch-” Castiel stopped abruptly and turned away.

“God Cas,” for once Castiel didn’t object to Dean’s use of his father’s name in vain, “Anna didn’t mean anything to me.  I’m sorry you saw that.”  Dean turned Castiel around to face him before capturing his face between his hands, “You are important to me.”

Castiel smiled at Dean’s words.  Leaning forward he gently brushed his lips against Dean’s before moving to extract the keys from Dean’s hand.

“Are you sure?” Dean asked.  “We could wait until we can get a room to ourselves.”  Please don’t wanna wait.  Please don’t wanna wait.

Castiel opened the back door to the Impala before turning back around to face Dean.  Grabbing his upper arms, Castiel spun him around and shoved him almost painfully against the frame of the car and kissed him with renewed passion.  “Get in,” he growled as he ripped his lips away from Dean’s.

Dean’s penis jumped at the tone of Castiel’s voice.  Eagerly he pushed off the car enough to turn around and crawl into the back.

Dean jumped, hitting his head on the padded roof of his baby when he felt Castiel’s hand smack his ass.

Iris’ widened in a combination of surprise and arousal, Dean’s head turned to look over his shoulder at Cas.  Castiel’s darkened eyes immediately met Dean’s.  Castiel hadn’t removed his hand from Dean’s ass where he’d smacked it.  As Dean watched, Castiel removed his hand only far enough to be able to deliberately slap Dean’s ass again.

Dean moaned at the sharp sting.  He writhed as Castiel rubbed his ass before smacking it again.  Dean spun around as quickly as possible.  Tugging on the lapels of Cas’ trench, Dean pulled Castiel into the car on top of him.

Castiel pulled away just long enough to shut the door behind him before he descended upon Dean, latching their lips together.

Castiel had picked up quite a bit in their few kissing sessions.  While he still kissed with a bit of clumsiness, he’d clearly learned a lot and quickly had Dean moaning and gasping for breath.

Dean rhythmically moved his hips up to meet Cas’.  He grinned in satisfaction as he noticed the effect he was having on Cas.  Castiel was breathing heavily.  His eyes were blown wide, two large, shimmering pools of blue that Dean could easily drown in.

His gaze was adoring, like Dean was the most important in all of creation.  And also, there was a look of awe, as if Castiel could not believe the sensations running through his vessel.

Dean was most definitely in awe.  Here they were, messing around in the back seat of the Impala like a couple of teenagers and he was already close to blowing his load like one. No way in hell is that gonna happen again!

Dean brought his hands between their 2 bodies.  Cas’ trench was buttoned up, which was unusual for Cas.  But Dean tackled the buttons without breaking contact between their lips like a pro.  It didn’t take long for Dean to realize why Castiel had the trench buttoned up as his hands continued to encounter bare skin.

Dean pulled his lips away from Cas’.  “Someone was sure of themselves,” Dean teased while his eyes devoured Castiel’s form.

Castiel bit his bottom lip and worried it, for the first time that night looking unsure of himself.

“Hey Cas,” Dean captured Castiel’s face in his hands, waiting patiently for him to meet his eyes.  “I like it.  Really like it.”  Dean lifted his hips up to meet Castiel’s body to show him just how much he liked it.  “You’re amazing Cas.”

Castiel smiled, but it looked forced.  Dean thought he was still worried about doing something Dean wouldn’t like.


“Yes Dean?”

“How about we choose a special word to say in case either one of us do not like what the other is doing?”

“You mean a ‘safe word’?” Castiel clarified.

Dean’s eyes widened in shock before jealousy overcame him and his eyes narrowed into slits, “Who told you about safe words?” he asked stiffly.

Castiel’s head tilted in confusion.  “You did,” he stated simply.

Dean huffed in disbelief, “And when did I tell you about that?”

“Over a year ago.  You and Sam were investigating a case and something about it upset you enough that when I ‘popped in’ you were intoxicated.  Fortunately Uriel was otherwise occupied, you were rather vocal in you dislike of many things including him.”

“Which case was it?” Dean asked a little skeptically.

“You did not indicate what you and Sam were hunting.  You did tell me that something called a ‘Criss Angel is a douchebag’, that you ‘really freaking hate witches’, and you seemed particularly upset by your encounter with ‘the Chief.’ You kept saying that you didn’t want to be ‘had by the Chief’ and that he’d wanted you to tell him your ‘safe word’.”

By this point, Dean was recalling the hazy memory and had actually started to laugh softly.  I’d forgotten about that.  I was pretty freaked.”

“Why would you want a safe word if it made you ‘pretty freaked’?”

“I was ‘pretty freaked’ by the thought of being ‘had by the Chief’.  I’m not pretty freaked by the thought of being had by you.” Dean sensually ran his hands up Castiel’s torso.  “I’m actually not at all freaked out by the thought of being had by you.  Which is weird because I’ve never even wanted to be with a man before.”

“But I’m not a man,” Castiel leaned down, catching Dean’s lips again.  After a moment he broke away to begin undressing Dean, wanting to feel every inch of his skin.

“So what word should we use?” Dean asked as he tried to focus despite Castiel’s exploration of his body.

Undeterred from his task, Castiel suggested, “Why not just say stop?”

Dean reached down between them, taking Castiel in hand and beginning to stroke him.  Intentionally he paused.  “Don’t stop,” Castiel growled and Dean removed his hand completely.  At Castiel’s glare Dean cheekily said, “You said stop.”

“I said don’t stop!”

Dean remained silent, just grinning up at him.

“Fine,” Castiel huffed in exasperation as he brought Dean’s hand back to where he wanted it.  “What do you suggest?”

Dean began to stroke Castiel idly as he thought on it.  Obviously they’d want something silly, something that neither would normally say… “Platypus!”

“Platypus?” Castiel repeated questioningly.

“Yeah, it’s a silly looking creature tha-”

“I know what one is, it was Gabriel’s idea of a joke, but why platypus?”

“What are the odds of either of us accidentally saying that word?”

Castiel considered before agreeing, “Fine.”

Sitting up, Castiel ordered, “Now stop talking and remove your pants.  I wish to fornicate with you now.

Dean hurried to comply.  It was getting ridiculous how quickly he was jumping to comply with bossy Cas’ orders, in more ways than one.  He’d have to work on that, Cas seemed to get bossier every day.

Moments later they were on each other, kissing, sucking and grabbing every inch of exposed flesh.  Dean slid his hands around Castiel beneath his trench coat to give his ass a firm squeeze.

“Dean,” Castiel gasped, torn between pushing back into Dean’s hands and pushing forward to bring their bodies together.

Dean moved his hands again.  One moved to cup Castiel’s face and draw them together again while the other captured one of Castiel’s hands and brought it down to their erections.

After a bit of fumbling, Dean was able to wrap their hands around both of their erections.  It felt amazing, this delicious sensation of skin against skin.

Castiel caught no to what Dean was doing fairly quickly.  Sure it was awkward, neither having done this ever before, but soon Castiel’s hand was moving in tandem with Dean’s, up and down their shafts.

Castiel struggled for breath that he really didn’t need, but his vessel was apparently no longer getting that message.  He gasped against Dean’s neck, occasionally kissing and sucking and licking.

It didn’t take long for them to reach climax.  Castiel collapsed on top of Dean, feeling as if every bone had been removed from his vessel.

“Mmmmmm,” Castiel hummed in contentment.  Dean couldn’t agree more.

AN: Special thanks to my coworker who suggested platypus...yes, I wrote this chapter at work ;-)  Feedback is greatly appreciated.

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fanfic, supernatural, nc-17, dean/castiel, angel lovin', destiel, wip

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