Fic: What Good Does Talking Do?

Jun 19, 2012 02:01

Title: What Good Does Talking Do? Chapter 5/?
Author: ravenalisa
Rating: eventually NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Through 7.5 but based on a fake spoiler for 7.8. 
Warnings: language, sexual content
Summary: Bobby and Sam find a way to bring Castiel back but they’ll need Dean’s help.

What Good Does Talking Do? Masterpost

Chapter Five

Bobby finished skimming through any book that had anything to do with angels and all of the new books he hadn’t gone through.  There was nothing else about the mark or angel marriage.  Just the one Sam was reading.

And so now he was sitting…and waiting…and waiting…and waiting as Sam silently read…and read…and read…and read…and Bobby was going crazy.

Sam was fully aware of Bobby’s rapidly decreasing patience.

As much as Sam accused Dean of being like their father, he was really more like Bobby.  It made sense after all; Bobby was more of a father to the both of them than Dad had ever been.

Sam had actually already read the entire section on angel marriage and was actually reading it again to see if he’d missed anything.  It looked potentially promising, but there were a couple of possible pitfalls.

Noticing Bobby’s fidgeting increasing to the point where it looked like he was about to crawl out of his skin, Sam decided to skip re-reading the last couple of pages and bring Bobby up to speed.

“The handprint on Dean’s shoulder is called a mark of intent.  You were right that it was like an engagement ring.  Angels apparently weren’t always as unfeeling as Anna claimed.  They used to choose mates.”

“The mark itself was actually rarely used.  There’s not much about it in here.  Even at a time when it was fairly common for angels to take mates it was extremely uncommon for one to mark their intended mate this way.”

“Under other circumstances I’d be absolutely fascinated,” Bobby’s voice drips with sarcasm, “but since I can’t exactly pick on Dean about being engaged…” Bobby trailed off, knowing Sam would get his point. Get to the friggin’ point!

“There is something in here that may be of use to us.  One of the reasons angels did not use the mark of intent is because if their chosen neither denied or reinforced their bond then the marked human or angel could summon the angel and supposedly this summoning was undeniable.”

“So there’s a more powerful summoning spell that we could try?” Bobby sounded hopeful.

“Dean can try it.  He has to be the one to read the incantation.”

“Balls!” Bobby grumbled.  “What are the odds this’ll work?”

“There’s really no way of knowing.  It doesn’t say if anyone ever tried it on a dead angel, so if Cas is…” Sam trailed off, not wanting to say the possibility that both of them were trying not to acknowledge.

“And if he’s not?” Bobby prompted.

“If he’s not, then how likely it is it’ll work depends on how…close Cas and Dean have been.”



“You’re saying that if those idjits actually got their shit together and bumped uglies that it won’t work?”

“It’s possible.  Apparently the less intimate they’ve been the stronger the summoning spell is.”

Bobby shook his head in disbelief, “If I had a nickel for every time I thought those two should just jump eachother and get it over with…I never thought I’d be hoping they didn’t.”

“Should we try to find out before we tell him about the spell?” Sam knew that dragging something like this out of Dean would be nearly impossible, but if Dean was broken now and they failed and if they had shared any level of intimacy and Dean managed to find out that it was possible that’s why it didn’t work…  It was a lot of ifs but knowing their luck Dean would find out and who knows what his repressive brother would do then?

“He can never know the details…unless of course it works,” Bobby added as an afterthought.  “Do you think we could get him to do the spell without him knowing what it’s for?”

“The incantation is in Enochian.  There are a couple of words I don’t even recognize, but as far as I can tell he’ll have to at least know we’re trying to summon Cas because he’ll have to say his name as part of the incantation.”

Sam fell quiet as he quietly read the incantation again.

“We should be able to keep if from him.  We could copy this into the computer and pretend a hunting buddy of yours sent it and said that whichever one of us is closest to Cas should read it.”

“It’s not ideal but it’s definitely better than the truth.”  Bobby got up to stand in front of his main stash of supplies.  “What’ll we need?”

“Blood of the intended, holy water, bone of a lesser saint, and…” Sam’s eyebrows shot up as he read the last ingredient, “ejaculate of the intended?”

“Well that’s easy enough,” Bobby stated calmly as he laid a vial of holy water and a bone (presumably of a lesser saint) on his desk.

“Really?” Sam asked incredulously, “and how do you propose we go about asking Dean to jackoff during a spell?”  Sam clapped his hand over his mouth, realizing he’d raised his voice to the point that he’d yelled those last few words.

Sam and Bobby sat in complete silence, staring at the ceiling and straining their ears for any indication that Dean had woken up.

“Sorry,” Sam said quietly after a minute passed in utter silence.  “How do you suggest we go about this?”

Bobby grabbed the book out of Sam’s grasp and sat down at his desk.  “I copy this and leave it with the non-Dean ingredients on my desk.”  Bobby continued as he wrote, “You tell Dean we found a spell for him to try and that we’re heading out for a couple of days on a hunt.  We’ll find one after we leave.”

“Now, or in the morning?”

“No time like the present,” Bobby quipped, “’sides, right now he’s passed out and if you wake him up to tell him he’ll probably barely understand you.  That way we can just leave a note and hightail it outta here without having to worry about the fallout.”

“Do you think he’ll be alright by himself if it doesn’t work?”

“Better’n he’d be if we were there watching him wanking and watching him fall apart if it doesn’t work.  ’Sides, if it does work I sure as hell don’t wanna be here for the honeymoon.”

“Eeeewwwww Bobby!” Sam squealed.  “That’s my brother.  Now I have mental images.  ‘s bad enough knowing he has to masturbate to summon Cas but now I really need brain bleach.”

“Shuddup you big girl and go tell your brother we’re leaving.”

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fanfic, supernatural, nc-17, dean/castiel, what good does talking do, destiel, wip

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