Jun 02, 2012 15:53
I heard an interview with Jay-Z on Fresh Air and naturally thought of you. The interview really made me appreciate him more, and obviously made me appreciate your taste in music more. It's funny how songs, musicians, or artists have such a strong impact in our lives because of someone else that was in our life.
I drove out to Kent last night to pick up a button with your picture on it. I did not realize how hard it would be to be there. But once I turned down Water Street and kept driving closer to your house the more my lungs started to close up. I was strangely grateful that I wasn't going to your house, and was instead going to your friend's house. Your friends are nice. Really nice. And didn't seem at all surprised when I said "It's weird being here." And are quick to smile, quick to hug, quick to ask how I'm doing, quick to tell me about a tiny sliver of their lives. We're tied together by this one incident. By your decision. And it's that decision that freaks me out when I drive over train tracks in Ravenna or causes me to panic as I drive closer to your house in Kent.