Jul 04, 2008 10:07
Relationships take work. I honestly believe that part of the reason they're so hard is that you're constantly trying to put your best foot forward. You are constantly trying to display your best side, and that takes concentration and work. You're constantly trying to think of the other person, trying to make sure that you're not overreacting, trying to put things into perspective, trying to make sure that you explain what you're thinking in a way that will make sense to the other person.
Relationships take work because there are so many ways to communicate these days. Email, text, IM, phone, in-person talks, looks...there are so many ways to communicate, and way too much can be lost in between the lines. So you can't be surprised if you show up for a night out, only to discover that you're just hanging out. You can't be surprised if you show up just to make out, and find out you're going to dinner.
Relationships take work because each person has breaking points. Each person has deal breakers, and when they're committed by their significant other, you have to evaluate your deal breakers, identify if they're still deal breakers, and talk to your significant other. Of course, some deal breakers don't need talking about. See abusive and controlling relationships. But other than that, other deal breakers really need examined. Talking to the other person helps you put it into perspective.
Relationsips take work because you recognize the importance of the other person in your life. You know that you don't want to lose them, but you also don't want to lose your self-identity. Relationships are special because of the unique personalities brought by both people. Each person brings something different to the table, but you don't want to become so engrossed in the other person that you forget your uniqueness. You want to keep the other person guessing.
past tense,