Well, I made it through the day without coffee first thing in the morning. I ended up going to Starbucks before work, but also went for lunch. Yes, I really do need my coffee in the morning. Fortunately, I remembered that I had a gift certificate to Kohl's courtesy of my aunt and uncle. So I went to Kohl's after work and wandered around looking for coffee makers. My requirements were that it couldn't be made by Mr. Coffee and it couldn't be white. Obviously, the price would be involved in the decision making process, but that wasn't quite as important. There are some pretty cool coffee makers out there. There's also some pretty expensive coffee makers. I ended up getting
this one. It's red. (Use your imagination.) I know you love it.
While the work day might have been long because of lack of coffee, I did get to talk to my old boss today! It was nice to catch up with him. I've gone outside with "the guys" a few times since I got to my new job, and it's just not the same as stepping into his office. When you work somewhere for 5 years and suddenly don't talk to the same people day in and day out, it's weird. So I'm glad that my old coworkers have made an effort to keep in touch. Of course, it's only been a week or so, but it gives me hope.
In completely unrelated news, my brother sent me
an article that I think is relevant for everyone. The article outlines all 57a rules associated with College Football Fandom. Thank goodness someone has outlined these. They're very helpful. My favorite rules are:
1e: You're a bandwagon-jumping, low-self-esteem weenie and scurry from Notre Dame to Miami to Ohio State to USC to Boise State depending on the year, the polls and the amount of water flooding into the ship.
4a: Or you can just root for Appalachian State every week.
24: It is OK to deny the existence of your school's male cheerleaders.
25: It is never OK to deny the hotness of the USC song girls.
34a: No refrigerator schedule magnet? Then the terrorists have already won.
44: You must cheer at the stadium when the public-address announcer reveals that your rival school is losing.
53: Never skip work the following Monday after your team loses a big game. Take your medicine like a real fan.
Please take note of all points. Hopefully you found them as helpful as I did.