You can't judge a book by it's cover, but who wants to have sex with a book?

Feb 06, 2007 22:11

Being back at my real job is quite exciting. I've fixed things, talked with people I haven't seen in forever, used my white board, and used my brain. The use of the brain is quite exciting. There's not much thought involved in data entry, although I'm not sure that everyone can do it. Not that they're not smart enough; they're just not quick keyers. Sadly, I have to go back to the client next week. Well, there's a possibility I might not have to go, but we'll see.

In other work related news, it's always interesting for me to here that I'm part of "the A team." It's great to hear, but can be overwhelming. In the middle of one of my meetings yesterday I said, "My head gets bigger every time I come in this office." It's true...kinda. Every time I go in there he always says how great I am. It's just hope that you can live up to the standards set.

In PC related news, my laptop seems to be back to normal. I haven't a clue what was wrong with it, what wasn't wrong with it, etc. I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be writing and telling you that it took a dive.

Watching the Super Bowl with my fam was fantastic. The boys get so frustrated with their appropriate teams. "Oh my gosh!" "What?!" Too funny. And then when the ball would get fumbled by the Colts and then the Bears and then the Colts they'd die of laughter. Seriously. I can't say that I've ever laughed that much during a football game...ever. And the commercials were pretty good. I think the Career Builder commercials were the best. As to the halftime show, my brothers and I were dying of laughter when Prince suddenly turned and showed us his erect, guitar. Absolutely priceless.

Check out this article on
. I think it's important for the general public to understand all the condom options. Perhaps one of you can solve his problem. Finally, check out this article on Chinese English. I'm sure you'll love it!

Oh, and check out this picture of JPII and Benedict XVI. Isn't it awesome?!

work, laptop, family

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