I finally solved the problem of logging into browsers (like the friends page, journals, and so on) that should be automatic once one has logged into MultiLJ. I was thinking that the key was to obtain a session cookie from a function called SessionGenerate and somehow sending it back to LiveJournal, but that wasn't working at all. After perusing the
lj_clients archive, though, I found out that some time back, that functionality suddenly...
That's right, I was trying to use a function that didn't work in the first place - even though I was getting a cookie, it was never going to be recognized by LiveJournal.
So, I had to find another way to log into the web half of the system. Making the long story short (too late!), I'm now invoking an invisible web browser at logon time and logging into it at the same time as I log on to the data half.
And it works!
I already have a support community set up for MultiLJ (called
multilj, of course), and will be setting up a web page to match. The only flaw is that occasionally, there will be an error in the scripts on the invisible web page, and a harmless error message will come up. I'm working on how to prevent that, but it does not prevent successful operation of the program.
More news as it develops...