Redefining browser wars

May 29, 2008 04:27

Well, the bad news is that I've rewritten the browser code several times over to try to get it to accept the session cookie that LJ is sending me, all to no avail. I've ended up putting in a suppost request to the folks at LJ itself onthis one, as even the people at the lj_dev community aren't speaking to me on the matter. I've found several ways of displaying web pages, but none hae gotten around the problem of the session cookie, which means that I can't read friends-locked posts and I have to verify my age on adult content pages.


The good news, though, is that I've made great strides in other areas of the program. The post editor has been further expanded, supporting things like tags, backdating, option setting, security, reply screening, and (sigh) adult content marking. You can post to your own journal or to any of your communities. And most of this can be changed in historical posts. And, being part of MultiLJ, you can write more than one post at a time - just invoke another post editor.

Just this evening, on the reminder of sciffy_circo, I added user profiles to the choices available to the user. And I've tightened up the login code a bit, as well. Once I get the session cookie problem taken care of, I'll likely install MultiLJ on my regular Internet computer and use it as my regular LJ client, just to take it through its paces and try to break it and see what it needs. Once I'm happy with it, I'll throw it at some beta users for the same reasons.

I'll keep you all posted...

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