All righty. In this episode, we learn about the romance friendship between Roku and Sozin. (They be what the episode title pertains to: Roku was the Avatar and Sozin was the fire lord. Amazing! 8D)
Anyways, the list:
- More of those Aang/Zuko parallel scenes. Y'know, where they show Aang in one scene and in the next they show Zuko on the opposite side of wherever Aang was? Yeah.
- Who sent the note to Zuko? I mean, we know Iroh wrote it, but who physically left to deliver it? Did I miss something?...
- Because of this episode (well, actually because of a clip from this episode), the new pairing RoSo was born. (Or is it Soku? Rozin? Which is it?!) ALMOST THE NEXT ZUTARA! 89
- See, Avatars can get married! So Aang can be with Katara or someone. *cough-RELEASE-THE-TAANG-cough*
- Oh yeah, Sozin becomes a prick to poor Roku. Out of jealousy.
- Heh heh, I loved that one Rozin line. Was it, "We're over?" Something like that. XD
- And Roku meets his doom. Because of Sozin. SEE WHAT MARRIAGE DOES?
- Poor Gaang minus Aang. "Do they use bathrooms in the spirit world?" XD
- ROKU WAS ZUKO'S GRANDFATHER!!!1one It means he's spiritually related to Aang!
Toph: Do you really think friendships can last for lifetimes?
Aang: *walks up and takes her hand* Yes.
Can't remember if that's how the line went exactly, but I still SQUEE!! at it.
- And then Katara takes Toph's hand, and Sokka takes her's, and so on. :P
Good episode overall. XD We got some good information and character background. Yeah.