Title: Roses of the Alps
Summary: Burt has his heart attack towards the end of Kurt's sophomore year and dies from it, leaving Kurt orphaned. His family, unable to care for him, send him off to an international boarding school in Switzerland, where one of his ancestors is an alumni.
Meanwhile, Sebastian got into trouble once too often and gets kicked out of his school in Paris. Figuring that he won't be able to get into as much trouble in the middle of nowhere in the Alps, his parents send him off to the same school as Kurt.
While Kurt is trying to get over his father's death, he and Sebastian meet and start a friendship with benefits, that has potential to become more.
Rating: M
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Character Death, Dub-Con
Other Pairings: None
shadowwanderer (my sister) and
FreakingpotterWord-count: 54 076
A/N: Huge thanks to my sister and my friend Jassanja, who jumped in to beta-read for me, when none of the betas who signed up here, who I wrote, answered the messages I sent to them. Also, kudos, hugs and thanks to Freakingpotter for the wonderful art. ^^
Prologue |
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three Part 1 |
Chapter Three Part 2 |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five |
Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven Part 1 |
Chapter Seven Part 2 |
Chapter Eight |
Chapter Nine |
Chapter Ten |
Chapter Eleven |
Chapter Twelve Part 1 |
Chapter Twelve Part 2 |
Epilogue Chapter Three Part 2
Finally, Kurt decided that enough was enough. Looking at his watch, he knew it was suppertime and he really did have to eat something, even if he still wasn’t hungry.
Kurt opened the door to see Sebastian sitting outside his door. He stood up a moment later, after seeing Kurt come out. Sebastian asked, “So, you taking lessons?”
Kurt nodded. “Singing and piano.”
“You’re good. Are you in the choir? I’m sure they could use a voice like yours.”
“You mean high-pitched and like a girl?”
“I didn’t say it.”
“You didn’t have to. But, for reference, I am.”
“I guess that’s one more reason to join, then. I’ve been thinking about it, but I’ve been busy with trying to figure out this German stuff. I mean, okay, in some ways it’s easier than French, but I grew up speaking French and English. I’ve never actually had to learn a language before.”
“Well, I’m pretty good at that. I learned most of my French from self-study. I had it in school, but the teacher preferred to teach by sticking in French movies and then wandering off to do something different. Occasionally, she’d tell us to study grammar or vocabulary and then give us a test. I was the only person who actually got good grades. Our teacher would round up everyone else’s grades to a C at the end of the semester, with an occasional B for good measure, so that no one would think there was something wrong with her classes and she would get sacked.”
“Were all your teachers like that?”
“Piss poor? Yes, they were. If you couldn’t study on your own, you were shit out of luck. The guidance counselor has OCD, the Glee teacher played favorites and, in Spanish class, he had his students learn vocabulary by repeating it after him. I’m pretty sure that, if our cheerleading coach had actually taught anything, everyone would have paid attention to it - she’s scary. The only time our football team was successful was when I got them to dance to Beyoncé and was their kicker.”
“Bit of a culture shock, eh? What with going from public school to private school and from the States to Switzerland, all at the same time; and you’re still doing better than me. Respect.”
“Well, I was set back a year because I started school when I was six instead of seven, like here, and my old school was so poor. Straight As don’t matter much when you’re coming from there.”
“That sucks. I’m a year younger than my classmates because I started a year younger in France, too, but the only thing I’m behind on is German, since I went to an international school there, too.”
“Where did you live?”
“What was it like?”
“A dream. There were loads of hot guys, an active night life, it was never difficult to charm your way into a guy’s pants…”
“Are the rumors about you correct?”
“Which ones? The one about me being sent here because it’s in the middle of nowhere because I was a bad boy or the one about my dad being the state attorney in Ohio, thus not wanting to have me around to give him a bad name?”
“Well, yeah, but mostly, is it true that you were always out partying, getting drunk and getting laid instead of going to school?”
“Yep, that’s the reason my parents sent me here to the middle of nowhere. They were thinking about sending me to Ohio, but my dad was worried that I might besmirch his wonderfully dull reputation. Besides, the less they have to do with their gay son, the better. We have a deal, of sorts. I’ll make sure to have a male heir some day with a surrogate, keep my distance from them, show up at the occasional social function, pretending to be the perfect son, and they leave me free reign. That is, free reign in the middle of nowhere where I can’t get up to any mischief.”
“Sounds like a good idea. How are you supposed to be able to learn anything, if you don’t go to school? Or if you’re so hung over you can’t see straight?”
“I was still getting good grades - until I was caught by a female guard. Couldn’t offer her any sexual favors, so I was caught. My parents bribed the school into taking it off my transcripts, so none of it officially happened. That’s why everyone knows what happened. It’s not like I’m ashamed of it or anything.”
Kurt wrinkled his nose. “That’s disgusting. How could you just… sleep with people like that?”
“It’s fun. I can’t help it that I like sex. Doesn’t matter who it’s with. Right now, my parents’ plan is working, though. This school is in the middle of nowhere. There’s a gay friendly bar a few towns over, but that’s it and they won’t let me in because I’m too young and my parents took all my fake IDs… not that they were that good, anyways, so it’s no big loss, but it’s still annoying.”
“Why are you telling me all of this?”
“You’re the only one who actually asked me. I’m a bastard. I know it. I’m even proud of it, but I’m an honest one.”
Kurt asked, “So… why did you… proposition me?”
“Because you’re obviously gay and I’m desperate.”
“That’s all?”
“Yeah, what else should it be?”
“Well, then my answer is ‘no.’ I’m not going to give up my first time to you just so you have another notch in your bedpost. I’m worth more than that.”
“Are you crazy? You can’t do better than me anymore than I can do better than you.”
“I don’t want to pick up any STDs from you.”
“I’ve always used protection and regularly have had check-ups. I’m clean.”
“But my first time…”
“Let me guess. You wanted it to be in a bed of roses or something equally sappy and romantic? You wanted it to be with someone who loves you? You wanted it to be with another guy who hasn’t managed to lose his virginity yet and you expect it to blow your mind. Well, speaking from experience, I’ve tried that. It sucks because, more often than not, the guy will leave you high and dry after he got laid. You’ll look back at it in regret. At least with me you’ll be guaranteed a good time. I can teach you things. I know how to make a guy scream.”
“No,” Kurt replied. “I don’t care about most of that stuff. I just want somebody to love me.”
“So you’d jump into bed with the first guy who claimed to love you? News flash, Kurt: those words are easy to say. Love is easy to fake. If I chose, I could make you believe that I love you. You’d be eating out of my hands after a few big gestures. I’d make my eyes soften slightly when I look at you. You’d be putty… but I don’t do that. I’m honest and up-front about what I want.”
“But… I just…”
“Love is a big farce. It’s just chemicals firing in our brains. Have you ever heard of the group Pansy Division?”
Kurt blinked. “Um, no. Can’t say I have.”
“They’re a great band from California who sing gay-themed songs. They’re awesome.”
“If you say so.”
“One of their songs, ‘Luv Luv Luv,’ describes just what I was telling you about love. It’s just an evolutionary thing to try and get people to propagate and stick around to take care of the kids, giving them a higher chance of survival. It has absolutely nothing to do with sex. Sex is there to actually propagate and to feel good. Even women feel good, because evolution figured that it was useful. We’re one of the only animals where the woman actually gets pleasure from the act, so let’s just run with that instead of making it more complicated than it actually has to be.”
“I have to go eat.”
“Let me sing you the song. I listened to you.”
“Okay, fine - but only because it’s common decency.”
Sebastian winked. “You won’t regret it.” With that, he burst into song,
“So many romantic dreams
are merely bedroom schemes.
It’s such a nice ideal;
Too bad it’s rarely real.
“We’re animals at the core,
Instincts we can’t ignore.
You think you’re civilized--
You just might be surprised
“People talk about
Love love love love love
And it sounds like
Blah blah blah blah blah
’Cause it really means
Sex, sex, sex, sex
People just want to connect
“Love love love love love
So typical
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
“We don’t feel like we think we should
Not like we were taught we would
We’ve been fed to much bull about
Love love love love love love love love…
“I believe in love, that’s true
I’m a sucker just like you
But real love don’t stand a chance
in absurd pop song romance
Grow up with my point of view
It’s easy to see right through
You start to feel deceived
Grow out what you believe
“People sing about
Love love love love love
And it sounds like
Blah blah blah blah blah
’Cause they really mean
Sex, sex, sex, sex
People just want to connect
“Love love love love love
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
“We don’t feel like we think we should
Not like we were taught we would
We’ve been fed to much bull about
Love love love love love love love love
“We don’t feel like we think we should
Not like we were taught we would
We’ve been fed to much bull about
Love love love love love
And it sounds like
Blah blah blah blah blah
’Cause you know it means
Sex, sex, sex, sex
People just want to connect
“Love love love love love
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
“We’ve been fed to much bull about
Love love love love love love love love
We’ve been fed too much bull about
Love love love love love love love…”
Kurt sniffed in distaste and commented, “That song is vulgar and utter nonsense. I have better things to do with my time than listen to you sing songs like that. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to eat.”
“Sure, go ahead: run away from this; but you and I both know that, in the end, you’ll be coming back to me. You’ll give in. You want this. You want to know what it’s like and, believe me, even if you don’t love the person you’re with, at that moment it’s like you’re the only person in the world for them and vice versa. There is nothing that connects you closer to someone else than sex.”
Kurt wondered, was Sebastian right? He couldn’t be, could he? He had to be wrong. Otherwise… otherwise all Kurt’s dreams and fantasies of relationships would go up in smoke. That couldn’t be all there was to it. He had to hold onto that. If not, what did he have left? Without his father, his dreams of the future, he had nothing except maybe Broadway or the catwalks… but would anyone actually want him? He was a reject: unwanted. The only reason Sebastian was giving him the time of day was because there wasn’t anyone else.
Kurt asked, “How did the rumors about you get out?”
Sebastian shrugged. “Probably Facebook. I think a few of them got started when I tried to chat up a few guys. If there are any other gay guys at this school, they probably know about me, but they haven’t come up to me, so I assume they’re not interested.”
“I didn’t come on to you, though.”
“No, but you’re so blindingly obviously gay that a blind man could tell just by listening to you talk. Look, normally you’re not my type, but you’re not half-bad looking and desperate times call for desperate measures.”
Kurt felt the anger rising in him. He couldn’t believe that for a moment he’d almost fallen for the trap. He snarked, “You sure know how to make a reluctant guy fall into bed with you. Well, good luck finding someone that stupid. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that it’ll be me.”
“I’ll let you think about it during fall vacation. What are you doing for it, by the way?”
“I’m going on the school trip. It’s not like I’m going to pay for a ticket to go back to the US more than twice a year.”
“It would probably be cheaper, though.”
Kurt raised an eyebrow, while letting the other side of his mouth curl up slightly. “I’ll learn more this way: improve my German. I’ll probably be testing into the next level for the next semester.”
“Do you actually do anything else other than study?”
“Yes, I do. I’m in both theater groups, I’m in choir, I go to the gym regularly…”
Sebastian looked Kurt up and down, “Well that doesn’t show. One would think that, doing that, you’d have built up some more muscle but, no, you’re just as buff as you were the first day I saw you. As a matter of fact, I think you’re even skinnier. Better gain some of that back or your ass will end up looking flat and boring.”
Kurt hissed, “You’re the one stopping me from going to supper.”
Sebastian smirked, “Then I’ll take you there myself and I’ll choose what you eat.”
“No. I’m on diet restrictions. I watch my cholesterol, salt and acid-producing things very carefully. I don’t want to die when I’m young.”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter how you eat. In the end effect, you could have an accident tomorrow and die. Can you say that you enjoyed your life? Can you say that you lived it to its fullest? No, you can’t. Carpe Diem. That’s my motto. I’m gonna enjoy my life and have fun so I don’t regret it when I die. Life is all about fun and games. The serious stuff comes early enough. You gotta live while you’re young.”
“Thus disappointing your family again and again. I don’t think I could do that.”
“I could teach you. The first step would be coming to my room.”
“I don’t want to learn that. My family is spending a lot of money sending me here. I’m going to make the best out of it and get the best grades I possibly can for later on in life.”
“You’re dull and boring and you have a bad case of gay face, but I’m still willing to sleep with you.”
Kurt rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, “Well woo-hoo. I’m not willing to sleep with you.”
“Let’s get some food into that scrawny body of yours. Then you can still change your mind.”
“As if,” Kurt scoffed, but followed Sebastian to the cafeteria, regardless.
In the cafeteria Kurt made his way to the salad bar, as usual, but Sebastian dragged him back to the warm food. “You can’t eat salad tonight! They have lasagna today - either with vegetables or with meat. It’s really good. They also have some tortellini, tortelloni and vegetable omelets. You don’t have to get salad to get something healthy to eat here.”
“But who knows what they put in there?”
Sebastian shot back, “Well, who knows what they put in those salad dressings? Besides, it says on the signs where the meat is from,” he gestured at one of the signs that listed all the meats in German and English and what country they came from. He took a large portion of each of the types of lasagna, a menu salad and some tiramisu. In spite of Kurt’s protests he gave him a helping of the vegetable lasagna, a vegetable omelet, a menu salad and a slice of quark cake, which looked somewhat like cheese cake.
Kurt protested, “I can’t eat all of this!”
Sebastian shrugged, “Well, you can at least try.”
“But I’m not that hungry.”
“I don’t care. You’re going to try to eat that stuff on your plate, if I have to force-feed you myself.”
“But it’ll go straight to my hips…”
“That might be a good thing. Sex with people who are too thin can be rather painful. It’s good to have something to hold onto that won’t hurt as much.”
Kurt scoffed. “Is everything about sex to you?”
Sebastian gave him a half-smile and wink. “Not everything - but most things are.”
Kurt groaned, not even noticing when Sebastian put Kurt’s meal on his meal-card until it was too late. “Hey! Wait! What are you doing?”
“Guilt-tripping you. Seems to be the only way to get you to do anything. Now, are you going to waste the meal I just bought you or are you going to eat it?”
Kurt grabbed his tray with a scowl. At least Sebastian hadn’t tried to talk him out of the diet coke he’d gotten. At least it didn’t contain any additional calories. Kurt really didn’t want to gain weight because some stupid, sex-obsessed jerk decided to force-feed him. He didn’t ask for it and he didn’t need it.
Kurt took a quick look around. Most of the other students had already eaten supper. There were only a few stragglers left, but there were a few faces he recognized from his dorms of classes and he’d even talked to a few of them. None of them were really his friends, though. None were people that he’d ever consider joining at their table. He really hated eating alone, though. It made him remember other times - past times. It always left him feeling lonely, so he reluctantly followed Sebastian to a seat. It was better to be sitting with him than to be sitting alone: the lesser of two evils, so to speak.
Kurt noticed that not once did Sebastian seem to want to join any of the other groups. They all seemed to ignore him - even though Kurt knew that some of them were in Sebastian’s classes. Unable to bite back the question, Kurt asked, “Don’t you have any friends here to annoy instead of me?”
“Nope. Most of the students here are idiots and not worth my time.”
“In other words, you were a jerk to them and they decided they didn’t like you.”
A tinge of pink appeared on Sebastian’s cheeks a moment before he turned away in favor of guiding them towards an empty table. “Whatever makes you think that?”
“Because I’m still wondering why I’m hanging out with you. You’re abrasive and rude. You want to get into my pants just to get off, but you do so by insulting me all the time. If you treat other people even half as badly as you’ve treated me in the past few hours since we first talked, then I’m not surprised that no one wants to have anything to do with you.”
“But you’re still talking to me.”
“Because I feel sorry for you. You’re alone. I, at least, have my roommates.”
“But that’s all you have, don’t you; because you spend all your time studying and doing extracurriculars that you don’t get around to anything else.”
“No, actually, I’ve played with several people in my house in our common rooms. I’ve actually gotten half-way decent at playing foosball.”
“What did you do to deserve two roommates? My parents made sure that I had a single. It was the first thing that they ensured when sending me here.”
“That’s because you’d drive any roommate of yours insane in the first week of knowing you.”
“At least I have my free space and don’t have to worry about having a terrible, homophobic roommate who will make me run away to the music rooms to get some fresh air.”
Kurt glared at Sebastian. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I actually had a roommate once who was homophobic. He almost became my step-brother. Since getting to know me, he’s gotten better, though. He’s not as bad anymore as he used to be.”
“Why didn’t he become your step-brother?” Sebastian asked, setting his tablet on the table that sat four.
Kurt set his tablet down a little harshly, kitty-corner from Sebastian. “That is none of your business,” he snarled.
“Ooh, is that a sore spot? Why?”
“Shut up. I can always sit elsewhere.”
“And miss out on this fantastic conversation? Are you crazy? Why would you do that to yourself?”
“For some strange reason, I don’t think I’d actually be missing out on that much. I’d be able to put on my music and listen to that while eating instead of hearing your annoying voice and being distracted by your craigslist smell and horse-teeth.”
Sebastian smirked. “Well, I have to tolerate you looking like you spend too much time in the women’s section when shopping instead of the men’s section.”
“I wear perfectly acceptable clothing for a male. Even if you can’t tell, fashion knows no gender or taste, in some cases. My almost-step-brother wore a shower curtain to school once. It was during Lady Gaga week in our Glee Club. He was trying to make up for calling all my stuff faggy.”
“Well, you know, he was right.”
“What?” Kurt demanded.
“All the insults that people throw at us of us being fags and fairies and all those other derogative names - they’re all true. I mean, sure, they could phrase it better, but why get upset because of it? It’s just a matter of fact. Tell me you never felt like going to a Halloween party dressed like a real fairy just to be contrary. They don’t know what they’re talking about. So why get mad or defensive? Look at me: I don’t bother listening to anyone and I’m happy.”
“Well, I’m not a selfish, self-absorbed sex-addict either.”
“But are you happy?”
“I’m fine and caring only about myself won’t make me feel any better. I was brought up better than that.”
“Tell me, do you feel alive right now: bickering back and forth with me? Do you feel the excitement of being able to duel with someone with words? Have you noticed how much you’ve already eaten?”
Kurt blinked and looked at his plate. To his surprise, he found that Sebastian was correct. About half of the food on his plate had disappeared. He hadn’t even noticed what it tasted like, because he hadn’t been paying attention to it. It couldn’t have been all that unpleasant, though, if he hadn’t been adverse to the taste. Still, it had been so long since he’d actually eaten something without forcing himself to. Maybe it was actually a good thing to hang out with Sebastian.
There was a comfortable silence, as the two of them continued to eat. Kurt found that the warm food actually did taste a little bit better, but it still didn’t taste like much now that he was paying attention to it. Kurt wanted to distract himself, so he asked, “So, where is your family actually from?”
“My father’s the State Attorney in Ohio. He lives in Cleveland with his third wife and my identical twin half-brothers. His second wife lives in Norway with my half-sister. My mom lives in Aix En Provence in France. That’s where I usually go during vacation. Her parents live in Nice and my dad’s parents in Florida.”
Kurt’s mouth dropped at the mention of his home state. “You can’t be serious. Your dad is from Ohio?”
“Well, yeah. What’s so strange about that?”
“I’m from Ohio.”
Sebastian shrugged. “Well, they always say it’s a small world. I’ve been there a few times. It isn’t much, but it’s kinda homely, I guess. I’d never want to live there, though. Just imagine not being allowed to drink alcohol until you’re twenty-one! Just awful. How do those people survive?”
“By not drinking.”
“Nope,” Sebastian winked, “by getting fake IDs. You just have to be careful to go somewhere where they aren’t going to look too closely at them”
“I managed to get drunk and make a fool of myself because a lady told me that Chablis would give me courage. I ended up talking about Bambi and puking.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad. I’ve done that a thousand times.”
“Oh, it’s worse than that. Remember, I told you that our guidance counselor had OCD? I threw up on her shoes.”
Sebastian broke out into laughter, receiving a few odd looks from some of the others in the cafeteria.
Kurt scowled. “Hey! That isn’t funny! She had to go to the emergency room because of it.”
“Oh, but it is funny! At least I have the sense to have never been drunk in school.”
“Well, it’s not like I knew any better.”
“How old were you?”
“I was fifteen.”
“So you were my age. Wow, you were late.”
Kurt huffed. “I don’t have to listen to this from you.”
Sebastian commented, “Try your quark cake.”
“Why should I?”
“Do you like cheese cake?”
“Well, it’s the closest thing you’ll find to cheesecake here in Switzerland and it’s damn good: not as good as Tiramisu, but close.”
“I never would have guessed,” Kurt said caustically. Still, he took a bite. Then another. With slight surprise, he stated, “This is actually pretty good. I’m impressed.” He took another bite, surprised that something actually tasted good.
“What?” Sebastian asked indignantly. “Don’t you trust me?”
Kurt raised an eyebrow. “Trust you? Hardly,” he scoffed. “I’d just as soon trust a tarantula.”
“Oh, that’s harsh. Surely I’m not that bad. At least I’m good-looking: much better-looking than a tarantula.”
Kurt smiled and looked up to the side. “Maybe. I think I’d still prefer to kiss one over kissing you.”
“You don’t know how good a kisser I am, princess. If you knew, you’d never want to kiss anyone else ever again.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know. I’ve only kissed family and a girl, but she doesn’t count. Besides, if Gene Kelly can prefer to kiss a tarantula, then I can too.”
“Gene Kelly didn’t have the option of kissing me, though.”
“No, but I think the character he was playing preferred Debbie Reynolds.”
There was a moment of silence as Sebastian ate hit tiramisu and Kurt his quark cake. Finally, Kurt sighed. “You have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”
“Nope, not even the slightest.”
“The tarantula is a reference to the musical ‘Singing in the Rain’.”
“Ah. Okay. That tells me so much. You know, just because I’m gay doesn’t mean that I watch musicals, am interested in fashion or any other stereotypical things.”
“I gathered that. You’re more the embodiment of a hetero skirt-chaser - except that you’re chasing tailcoats instead of skirts.”
“Seems like you have me pegged. Can I peg you now?”
Kurt blinked. “What? Sure?”
“Really? Then come to my room. Let’s not waste any more time.”
Kurt scrunched his nose in disgust. “No! What does…?” Realization dawned on him and his face grew bright red. “That was a double entendre?”
Sebastian laughed.
Kurt scowled at him, though it lost most of its force, due to his blush. “It’s not funny!”
Sebastian chortled, “Yes, it is. You’re so oblivious and innocent - how can I not laugh? How could your folks let you out of their home like this?”
“Hey! I know about that…” he hesitated, “that stuff. I’ve heard about it and whatnot.”
“You said it earlier. Sex. Don’t talk around it. It is what it is.”
“You have a one-track mind.”
“Yep. Thus, I’m a pretty ordinary teenage guy. This is the age when we reproduce the best. That’s also why our hormones are so crazy.”
“Well, regardless. I’ve obviously got higher standards than you do.”
“That’s because you’re like a girl. You want feelings. You want romance. You want phony baloney.”
“I don’t understand why you’re putting so much work into this when you’ll be gone in about a week, free to spend as much time as you want out gallivanting and picking up anyone drunk or blind enough to agree to it.”
“Oh, they don’t have to be drunk or blind. All I have to do is dance and they’re all over me. I don’t even have to try.”
“So, I take it you’ll be in Jazz Dance after break?”
“Wouldn’t miss it. I love dancing, especially with an audience.”
“I’m not too sure how much the audience will appreciate you looking like you’re trying to get laid instead of dancing in sync with the rest of our group. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure that would look pretty bad in Jazz Dance: you know, dancing alone rather than in the group. The teacher might keep you after class.”
“Oh, I’ll bet the teacher will keep me after class but, after almost getting caught once, I’ve always said no to them.”
Kurt’s mouth dropped. “You’re incredible!”
Sebastian smirked. “I know.”
“That wasn’t meant as a compliment! I just… I just don’t believe you. Just… eww! That’s just… wrong: really, really wrong. It was creepy enough when Rachel, a girl I know in Ohio, had the hots for our Glee teacher, but that’s even worse!” Kurt stopped to think. “Come to think of it… it’s Rachel. Of course it’s creepy. She’s creepy when she’s in love: even creepier than I am and that’s saying something.”
Sebastian leaned in. “Sounds like there’s a story to hear there.”
“Yes, there is, but I’m not telling it.” Kurt primly put the last piece of cake in his mouth, gathered up his tablet with his leftovers and dishes on it and primly started to carry it over to the waste disposal and carts with the trays on them. Even with Sebastian distracting him, Kurt had only managed to eat about half of the stuff he’d put on his plate. Now, he was wishing he hadn’t eaten so much, as his stomach felt too full and he was a little nauseous. The only thing he didn’t regret was the cake. He’d be having that again.
He walked on, completely ignoring Sebastian calling after him. He had better things to do, like lie down or study. He still had a German test coming up the next week. At that thought, he slowed down and let Sebastian catch up to him after taking care of his own dishes.
Kurt turned to him once he heard the footsteps approach and looked him straight in the eyes, which he absently noticed were a really nice shade of green, “I’m going to study for the German test this week. Do you want to join me in the library?”
“Just studying?”
“Just studying.”
“How quaint.”
“Take it or leave it.”
“Studying with another guy is boring, especially when you’re horny. The answer’s ‘no.’”
Kurt huffed. “Okay. I was just trying to help you out, seeing as you said that you couldn’t figure out how to study for a language.”
“I think I’ll try on my own a while still, first. If I still can’t figure it out, then I’ll ask you for help.”
“Fine. Have it your way. Then I’ll study in my room.”
“With your oh-so-wonderful roommates?”
“They’ll probably be in the common rooms by now. I’ll have the room to myself.”
“We could put your room to another use.”
“No. We have a clear understanding: they don’t bring girls in; I don’t bring guys in. Besides, even if we didn’t have that agreement - you’re the last guy I’d let in.” Kurt stormed off.
Sebastian called after him, “Tell me when you change your mind!”
Kurt grumbled to himself, “As if! Change my mind. You stupid, arrogant, self-absorbed, horse-toothed meerkat…”
Next Chapter