Not more politics!

Sep 07, 2004 12:05

[ed. note: Link contains random profanity. Most of you don't care, but those who do have been warned.]

I swear, you'd think that politics is all I think about lately, given the state of this lj. But this one made me laugh...and then it made me think.

One of my co-workers, who happens to have a spiritual alignment similar to mine, has friends in Florida. One of her friends noted that, in the past, she's had some success with "working" weather systems to protect her immediate area...but that this latest storm (Hurricane Frances) seemed to have different energy than the others, that it seemed to be more "man-made" and filled with hatred than others she's witnessed.

My jury is out on the possibility and/or practice of weather-working as a whole. Let's just say that I'm open to its discussion. But it is curious that Florida seems to be getting the smackdown particularly hard this hurricane season. And it is almost equally curious the way the news cycle was co-opted so quickly by real news immediately after the GOP convention.

politics, weather

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