Title: The Great Prophet Rick
Fandom: Castle/Supernatural
Characters: Castle, Beckett
Rating: G
Supernatural/Castle, Castiel+Castle, God!Cas chooses the prophet who will write his gospel "Enjoy," Rick said, flashing a magazine-cover smile at another satisfied fan.
"I will," she giggled, hugging the hardback to her chest as she backed away. He slid the next book from the stack and flipped it open, pen poised.
"Who's it to?" he began, glancing up.
"Hey Castle." Kate gifted a quick smile. "Supernatural horror, huh? Different than your usual."
"I prefer to think of it as paranormal whodunnits."
"So this is why you quit the precinct." She weighed a glossy copy of the book in her hands, thumbing through a few pages. "New muse?"
"You could say that." His eyes flickered briefly skywards, and he scrawled his name on the title page with a flick of his pen. "Your book," he drawled, offering it to her with a flourish.
"'To Kate, Nikki isn't done just yet,'" Kate read off the note. "You planning to have her meet the--" she checked the jacket flap "--Winchester brothers?"
He smiled. "You never know what might happen with those two. You could say they have a mind of their own."
Title: Little Red Riding Hood, Take Two
Fandom: Little Red Riding Hood (AU)
Characters: Red, the Beast, Red's mother
Rating: PG
Any, any children's series/story, post-apocalyptic AU "Go to your grandmother's," her mother says, pressing a satchel of precious meds into her hands. "Make sure she's okay, and give her this."
She nods, and pulls on her cloak (red -- a disguise, a hiding place, so They won't see her against the bloodstained earth), and sets out across the barren land.
There once was a forest here, her grandmother used to tell her. Long ago, before the rivers ran red and became veins threading throughout the land, there were trees and birds and the color green.
What is green? she asked once. She still hasn't gotten an answer.
She imagines growls behind her, echoing off the crimson rock, and pulls up her hood. She has never seen one of Them, the Beasts that are said to haunt the Redlands. No one her age has, but her mother did once, as a little girl, and her grandmother still won't speak of the things she's seen.
She sees a shadow, curled under the overhang of a red rock shelf, and thinks boldly: How frightening can it be? Tucking the meds further beneath her cloak, she goes to look.
At first she thinks it's wearing a blanket, draped over itself like skin. It's only when it turns its head to look at her that she realizes it has fur, a deep, dark red like the furthest shadows in rock. It blinks slowly up at her and a startled noise flies, unbidden, from her throat.
"Your eyes," she says, and the Beast tilts its head. "What color are they?" She has no name for it, only that it's cool and light and so different from all the burning red that sprawls around her.
"Have you never seen green?" the Beast asks, showing long white teeth.
"So this is green!" she marvels, and forgets to be afraid.
She never does make it to her grandmother's house that day, but that's all right -- she'll have a whole new set of stories to tell her grandmother tomorrow.