Commentfics (Supernatural, BBC Sherlock, Firefly, Doctor Who)

Oct 18, 2011 23:00

Title: And Now Three Remain
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Michael, Lucifer
Rating: PG
Prompt: author's choice, author's choice, Build me a city and call it Jerusalem (Richard Siken)

It was only a tiny little town, in those days. Even the walls wouldn't come till later, rising around the great city to guard it from those who sought to destroy. (They never seemed to stop them anyway.)

They cloaked themselves in human facades, a masquerade ball with perfect disguises. They walked the streets, and the mortals lay prostrate at their sandals.

"So this is where it will be built?" Michael's eyes were closed; power hummed from the hill beneath his feet and surged into his heart.

"The Holy of Holies." Lucifer's eyes were open; he saw where the stones would rise and fall around them. "Your precious mortals will honor it for centuries to come."

"Longer than that, I should hope, brother." Michael's lips curved upwards at the corners.

"Whatever is built on this spot will fall by my hand."

"And like the phoenix, out of the ashes will rise another."

Lucifer laughed, low and deep, and the Earth trembled beneath him. "Until we meet again, brother."

Michael stood upon the center of the Earth and felt its power, smiling at empty air. "Until the dawn of the End."


Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Characters: Sherlock
Rating: G
Prompt: Things Sherlock feels in 10 words or less. ( here on the kinkmeme)

10. Pavement under his feet, and the wind on his skin.

9. See, observe, deduce. Simplicity out loud. No one sees.

8. Words like venom, the poison on his tongue.

7. It races through his veins like fire.

6. No one ever stays. No one.

5. His coat swishes through darkness.

4. London is his tonight.

3. Tea and biscuits.

2. The Work.

1. John.


Title: We Spin Like Atoms
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Jayne, Inara, Kaylee, River
Rating: PG
Prompt: Firefly, any/any, rotation

Bullets in the chamber, clickclickclick as it's spun. Count them onetwothreefourfive and in goes six. Locked and loaded. He stows it with the rest, thirty-three seconds. On to the next one, clickclickclick.

Bow to your neighbor and spin left. She takes his hand, light as a whisper, release and spin right. Skin and hair and pretty skirts, whirl across the floor. See his eyes: he only wants tonight.

Cot swinging softly, side to side. She's awake, eyes lost in the darkness. The stars won't reach her here, but the engine turns, steady and content, humming along. It whispers to her, see me turn.

Eyes closed, arms spread, chin lifted to the breeze. Hear them calling, not loud enough. Grass tickles her toes and she giggles, loud and clear. The laugh flies away and is lost in the spin, in the thousands of laughs floating above her head. The planet turns beneath her feet, slow and patient. Hear them calling, too loud. The planet doesn't stop.


Title: Clown Car
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Eleven + Amy
Rating: PG
Prompt: Doctor Who, Ten or Eleven and any of their companions, a companion finds Six's coat
Cookies for reference-spotting!

"My God, Doctor. What did you do, skin a clown?"

"Of course I didn't. I don't skin clowns, except for that time on Circad IV and he wasn't a very nice clown but I only took a little-- oh, you meant the coat. I happened to like that coat quite a lot, thank you."

"Is that how they fit all those clowns in a car? You make it bigger on the inside and then steal their clothes?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Pond. I've only ever made one car bigger on the inside and that was for a very nice man, not a clown at all, goes by the name of Arthur. Ginger, very tall, big family. I tried to take them to Scarletsville once, tiny little town in the thirty-third century, all ginger, very red, you should visit sometime. His wife wouldn't let them go so I had to make do with fixing up his car instead. It was a flying car, have I mentioned that? No, I don't think I have. It was a flying car. Now I have."


"Yes, Pond."

"I'm burning the coat."

supernatural, the doctor, firefly, lucifer (spn), jayne cobb, river tam, amy pond, sherlock holmes, michael (spn), inara, doctor who, eleventh doctor, kaylee, bbc sherlock

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