Challenge #4: goals!

Jan 08, 2020 20:11

Or rather, Goooooooooooooals de Rattlecatcher!

Oh, if only I played soccer...

But seriously::

[community profile] snowflake_challenge #4

In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private.

Non-fannish, I am committing to more meditation. I'd like to do it everyday, and I haven't been seriously doing it except as one-offs for more than a few months. I'm starting with a 28-day course with Susan Salzberg using her book, Real Happiness. She's got a February "Commit to Sit" thing happening and I'd like to be up to speed by then. In this book, she says to try for three days a week, but I know me, and I'm better off failing at an every day commitment than saying it'll be at least three times a week.

Funnily enough I'd like to walk more, and that should be an everyday failure as well.

I'd also like to get better at my job, but that's probably less a year thing and more a lifestyle, job-wise. But I have to say, I am still thrilled to be in a job that I can look at that as being something wonderful and not the two usual ways I look at work goals, one of which is that it's a mandatory thing and means nothing to me except I'm a dog being trained to do stupid shit just so they know I'm paying attention, or else something I need to do or I'll be fired.

And by the way? I'm not saying a job can't come with goals, or that bosses encouraging goals are automatically coming from a place of evil. This is about me and how I am viewing my situation. Do you know how awesome that is? My head is different, yo!


Fannish... well, last year I said I was going to write and book and I proceeded to file the serial numbers off and rename every last character, and then I kept trying to figure out where the story started, because I'd love to start it with the rhymes with M7 part, because I think it would be awesome if the first time you saw a werewolf was at least 40-50% through the book. I love my genre fic and yes I'm writing it, but I'd also like to sit someone down with a book and tell them not to have an expectation.

Anyway - I'd love to start it there, but that's a little tough to do in the modern publishing world (and isn't that cute? I'm assuming I'll be published!).

Meanwhile, last year I filed serial numbers off and realized that these characters were changing more than their names and identifying characteristics. So I spent some time with them as people, taking them out of their environments and putting them in new ones. My werewolves are a little different from before, my vampires are hella-different, and I am...

I am writing a book. Hi. It has a werewolf in it, and a hockey player. The werewolf is named Sean Aimes (please hate on this in your own journal) and the hockey player is Luke Fitzpatrick, and at one time people loved him and he was really known as "LUUUUUKE!"

At some time in the next year, I would like to have a book. It would be nice if these boys cooperated and if some other characters did not need so much attention. I would like to not be thinking about how this one guy (who won't even fucking appear until the second book) comes from a family who is listed in the Domesday Book.

Happy New Year to you all!
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