moe. 10/20/06

Oct 23, 2006 14:57 i know everybody is on the edge of their seats waiting to hear about the show. well, not really, but im gonna write about it anyway, even thjough im sure only a handful of you even know who they are. ok so anyway...I drove over to Evan's house at about 4:30. We sat around and drank Saranac pale ale until Laurie got there and then we climbed into her van, and off we went. of course, we got to the southern pkwy in the heat of rush hour and it was like a parking lot. so evan tells laurie to get off the parkway and take the streets. what followed was a wild tour of brooklyn which took us WAY off our course, but turned out to be the most fun I've ever had on the way to a show. we finally found our way back to the parkway and got back on about 15 minutes from the verrazano bridge. traffic was moving now, and all in all, even though we had gone off course for a while, it seemed to be quicker than if we had just sat in traffic for all that time. and by the time we got back on, it had opened up considerably. So we get over the bridge and the staten island expressway is PACKED. there was no point in trying the service road. it was packed too and there are lights to make it worse. we would have to sit tight and trudge on a few feet at a time until we got past the construction site. still, tons of fun in the car, and tons of moe. on the cd player. so we finally get over the outerbridge crossing and on to the garden state parkway, where it takes us all of about 5 minutes to find the exit for Sayerville. but apparently the road that our lovely mapquest directions tell us to look for no longer exists lol... so we stopped at a pizza joint for dinner and directions. then we went next door to this liquor store that had a bar in the back of it. great concept, i think lol... then we stopped at wawa for coffee and went to the venue. In the car on the way Evan mentioned that we should try to get moe. to play at Mulcahy's sometime. I didnt think it would be possible, because Mulcahy's isn't as big as a lot of the places where they usually play, like Irving Plaza for example... but when we got to the starland, It wasn't much bigger than Mulcahy's. We went in and laurie took me straight to the tapers section to meet jon merin. Very cool guy. about 5 minutes later the lights went down and Assembly of dust took the stage. I thought that was odd because moe. seldom has an opening act. They were Awesome! great stuff. Then came the main event. The setlist speaks for itself:

Starland Ballroom
Sayreville, NJ, USA

1: Bring You Down, Capt USA, Tailspin, The Faker > Moth%, 32 Things%

Kirk Juhas on keys entire first set

2: blue jeans & pizza+, lazarus@%+, pit@%+ > rob sick bass > meat@%+ > flo@%+ > mustache uber banter > tt @%+

E:Can't You Hear Me Knockin

@ - al.
% - adam
+ - nate wilson

al. hasn't been playing the last few shows because of severe tendonitis in his wrist, so they have been having some awesome people sitting in on guitar and keys while he sings and bangs on a tambourine. the funky symbols after the song titles denote who was siting in at the time. on this particular night, al. was feeling a litttle better and he did set up the moog and play a little bit. the show was stellar. best first set ive seen. Chuck was ON FIRE!!! he is indeed Satan. confirmed. I didnt stop dancing all night. needless to say i was hurting when i got uip the next morning lol... anyway there are more stories to tell but i gotta run and get ready for my interview. I'll post more later.
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