Feb 10, 2009 16:43
I like a lot of things, and I talk about most of them. But last night, at 10pm, for the second week in a row, I watched Medium. Now I used to watch the show when I was younger. It was kind of a fluff hour spent after something else on TV. I actually thought it was cancelled for a while. And last week I was curious to see what had gone on in the years since I last checked in, mostly with regard to the children and how they had grown.
The kids all looked pretty much the same. I wouldn't have thought them older, except one's now in high school and the other two in middle and elementary school. It's strange seeing them in these new environments. And one of the things I'm really enjoying is how they are all starting to have little influences of mommy's ghost seeing. Last week one of them was drawing naked pictures and kept getting in trouble, but she was actually sensing skin cancer and was able to warn the teacher. This week the high schooler was getting all loopy and high when she held this baby-doll for a school parenting class. Turns out her pretend husband was getting stoned and that's what the girl was sensing. It was all pretty cool! And there was a mystery of the week, but I actually care more about the family than that.
It's so strange that I kind of got sucked back into a show I never really was into. I don't think I'll be writing weekly reviews (I don't even do that any more, anyway), but I will definitely watch it after my weekly dose of Jack Bauer kicking major ass. Oh spoiler alert, I did watch 24 and he did indeed kick major ass.