Have you ever agreed with some sound idea, but kept a small part of yourself that still wanted to try and defy it?
(There are so many directions I could go with that. It's almost a shame that I'm bringing it to such a narrow topic.)
When you begin a path of drug experimentation, you can prepare and assure yourself of certain cautions and rules which you plan to abide by. But when you don't know for sure, sometimes it's difficult not to slip. If you're not careful, you can overlook the entire point of your experimentation. Instead of it being a part of you, an aid to help you experience things, in your mind it may turn into an 'easy way' out of having to put effort into creating your own experiences.
At the point where I extinguished all my easy, common "activities to try while high," I began looking for the drug itself to create the feelings/fun/entertainment for me. This is not a good error to make. It didn't only affect the high times. (It does cause one to waste his highs trying to re-achieve past experiences.) That mistake affected everything I did, or wanted to do, because such a slip will cause a progressive landslide until one recognizes it and corrects it. I started waiting for all outside sources to create experiences for me. I even visited
drug forums to give me ideas on how to experience other people's experiences. The slip made me lazy, indecisive, and quite boring to boot, IMO.
My error was made increasingly obvious as I read that forum and others, by the way. I realized a good deal of people do drugs just to think of more ways to do more drugs. "They're missing the whole point," I thought. It took a day two, but now I can clearly see and apply the same observation to myself.
"Live - fuckin' - life." - If only I'd listened sooner to
Foamy the Squirrel to answer my simple problem. That is all I ever needed to do. Just fucking live, don't make some convoluted, nonsensical attempt at "more" than living. Live. That's the basic course of action that shouldn't be deviated from.
Let the drugs (and everything else) be merely what they are: a (small) part of living, not living itself. It's a sound idea, whether you fully believe in it or not. Always gotta be careful not to let it slip, and fall.