Seafarer boycott of piracy areas ‘now possible’

Feb 26, 2011 19:11

Saturday, 26 February 2011 00:00

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) today signalled its revulsion at the increasingly widespread and brutal piracy
epidemic  and said it is moving closer to having to advise seafarers to consider avoiding working in all the affected areas - including the Indian Ocean.

The global union federation, ( Read more... )

itf, piracy

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nd87 February 27 2011, 02:29:56 UTC
Until their is an effective government and economy in Somalia, we need to change the companies that manage the shipping vessels mentality. Why I say this is they only care about their progit margins. I know this from speaking with a well known management company that manages oil tankers. After the recent hi-jacking of an american bound tanker with $200m of oil and the previous day of $60m, I contacted a management company that is dealing with these issues, or to be dealing with them. They out right lied and said that they have effective strong security and it is cost them $100k to $200k a year to post armed security on their vessels. 1. It costs more than $200k a year that he stated to have armed security on a vessel. 2. If that was the truth they would not of had a vessel hi-jacked. 3. If they are using armed security on a tanker or chemical vessel they are wrong.
All this company showed me was that they only care about their profit lines and not the employees who put their lives at risk to move the products world-wide.
I have been studying these issues, how to protect, and how to thwart piracy. One other issue that needs to be addressed is the companies that secretly encourage the piracy for their on profit gains. Example...higher insurance, large costs and profits for running a private navy and one that they already state that if they see a vessel in trouble and that vessel has not paid a fee of $450k for protection (escort) they will not help or even attempt to intervene, It has become more than an issue of a country that has been at civil war for the last 20 yrs and people of that country turning to piracy as a lively-hood. It has became a large business in the past few years and getting larger and not only for the pirates but for the insurance companies and their scams to get more money from the shipping companies which is ultimately passed on to all the consumers of the global community.
I work to keep updated news at


ratien February 27 2011, 18:03:24 UTC
To change mentality of capitalism ? Excellent idea ! It's just left to got how to do it on practice.


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