Seafarer boycott of piracy areas ‘now possible’

Feb 26, 2011 19:11

Saturday, 26 February 2011 00:00

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) today signalled its revulsion at the increasingly widespread and brutal piracy
epidemic  and said it is moving closer to having to advise seafarers to consider avoiding working in all the affected areas - including the Indian Ocean.

The global union federation, which numbers 201 maritime trade unions representing 720,000 seafarers worldwide, took the step after a week-long consultation sparked by the increasing number and range of Somali pirate attacks, and by their now routine use of extreme violence and death threats against the 800 mariners they are currently holding hostage.

The ITF also endorsed the need to neutralise the threat of the captured, hostage-crewed motherships that are allowing pirates to roam the Indian Ocean unmolested, recommended the carrying of military guards on ships, and recognised the use of private armed guards, subject to certain conditions.

There are currently over 800 seafarers being held hostage by Somali pirates, who executed two seafarers last month. They now routinely use death threats, torture and brutality such as keelhauling.

ITF seafarers’ section chair Dave Heindel commented: “The world has lost control of piracy. Each day it’s becoming more savage and more widespread. All the Arabian Gulf and most of the Indian Ocean are now effectively lawless. Yet there is a way that control can be regained: by actively going after pirates, stopping them and prosecuting them. Not this ludicrous situation of taking away their guns and setting them free to strike again.

“The burden of dealing with pirates is being borne by a few nations and the burden of actually taking them to court by even fewer. We have repeatedly requested stronger intervention by all governments, including the flag of convenience states that are reaping the profits from so much of the world’s shipping fleet without meeting any of the obligations. If we daily allow a few thousand thugs to rack up the danger and violence then we will soon reach a point where there is no alternative but to stop putting people and ships within their reach - with all the effects that could have on world trade and oil and food prices.”

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