Happy SPN Day!

Feb 05, 2010 16:04

I just rewatched the first two minutes of the new ep, and you know what would have been fucking awesome? Dean's dream switching to Sam and Cas, to replace the girls, clothes and horns and halo and all. *giggles*

But ah, the ep was really just fucking awesome as it was!! Except for in the beginning, Anna can't find Dean, yet she knows what town he's in? She only gives him a street name...

Also, oh boy, the slashiness! Castiel/Sam. Hello! First time I actually saw it. Now I need to pay more attention when I rewatch it. And even Michael called Sam "your darling Sammy". Whoa! And seriously, boys? Each one of you is gonna say yes when the other is lying there dying, again. Dean would have said yes right in that old house, if Michael had asked him straight up, instead of mind-fucking him some more.

Matt Cohen did an awesome Michael! Right down to the Castiel head-tilt. *lol* Must be an angel thing. ;)

Goodbye Anna. I was happy when you were back - this, I didn't know. Amy and Matt I heard through twitter. But alas. Yeah. You had to die. Bitch. Still love you though. Maybe Dean can dream of Anna/(S4)Ruby making out next? That'd make my day.

And I was gonna do a more coherent post. But... if you clicked on this, you saw the ep, right????

Sam staring at Mary was hilarious! Jared really excells at physical comedy, even if the ep isn't supposed to be all LOLZ. I mean, hilarious with a touch of sad, but I laughed out loud none the less.

Aw, Michael. Dean really is more evolved than you when it comes to dealing with daddy issues. I kinda knew someone would wipe John and Mary though. I just thought it'd be Cas. But this really worked better. Still not sure if I can hate Michael just yet though. He brought back Sam, after all. Even if that didn't make all that much sense. But angels are all fucked in the head. And they like to play games. You can see where demons come from.

Then again, if he hadn't, Dean would have never, ever said yes, and Lucifer would have found replacement vessel #3.

I loved the whole interaction of Cas with the boys. They're all really close now. And if there's fic with them nursing Cas back to health, please link me?

And awww, OMG, the end!!! I seriously had to bite my cheek to not start crying. Aw, Mary! You were so kick-ass! Even if now it's kinda unreal you age so much in 7 years, or I actually forgot how old Dean was when she was killed. Younger even?

Anyways. I think I'll make some Team Free Will icons later. Best ep in a while!!


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