Last night, I stayed up to watch the Brian Buckley Band - or rather just Brian.
It was at 1 am, which kinda sucked, but I just really wanted to hear him play. I only knew the music video with Jared so far and I liked that song, so... Brian said that this was his first StageIt concert but I could have sworn I saw another weeks ago, also at a bad time. But I'm probably wrong (or he meant his first acoustic set). It might very well have been his first, because it was technically super awkward and the worst I've seen so far on StageIt (technically).
He had a microphone set up and I assume his laptop/camera/whatever also came with a microphone as there was terrible feedback. I had to turn the volume super low and I still cringed. After the first song, he set it aside a little, but he kept turning to it and singing back into it, since he's used to it. So, whenever he ignored it, it was super awesome and he has a lovely, smooth voice. Sadly, about 70% of the concert you could not make it out because it was all distorted. I sincerely hope the next time he gives a concert, he'll do it without the mic at all. (Though nobody complained anymore after song #1, so I got confused. Maybe it's how it was supposed to sound? I never heard him before after all. I can only tell you that he definitely sounded better without the damn mic.) [Fun fact: I just googled if it's mic or mike and it seems to be a big question - and not just me failing at English. LOL.]
That said, he was still seriously awesome and I'll most definitely buy his CDs now. I thought Jason's guitar skills were awesome, with his clap-play thingy, but Brian is a whole other caliber. It was amazing! And he totally poured his heart out singing the songs.
What I liked most was how genuinely nice he seemed. I'm used to The Life of Riley, and them being occasionally too damn drunk to remember the lyrics or how the song even goes and minutes upon minutes of not actually getting music. (Don't get me wrong, I love TLOR, but sometimes I just want to reach in and hand them coffee.) Brian was drinking tea. His parents were watching via StageIt itself. (His dad was one of the top tippers, which in a way is hilarious seeing how Brian Buckley is rock and not a teenager.)
I just think not a lot of people watched the show. The chats on StageIt (-shows I watch) are usually just a small group of people who already know each other, but it seemed even smaller this time. Possibly had to do with the awkward time. But I think not a lot of fans over here actually know them/him. (This confuses me. How tight is the band part? Is it exchanging people or is this like TLOR, just they were unimaginative with the band name?) So I hope he'll get invited to a con in Europe soon. I know we'll get Jason unless his wife is pregnant, but, him over smarmy Steve forever, please, Italians?
So, next time he does a StageIt, I'll inform you and plug properly so hopefully a few more people watch. And screw watching him "for Jared". Watch him because he's great.