Soo ambivalent

Jan 15, 2012 01:14

Grad school is starting to flit across my mind.  On a whim I started looking at UEA in Norwich (as a citizen of the UK I get UK standard rates for a top rate education...woo hoo) and got all excited about their masters in scriptwriting with a focus on contemporary world stff and nearly jizzed all over my new apartment with excitement.

I'm just feeling ambivalent about the Peace Corps and whether I want to commit my brain to nothing but depressing statistics and a new language for two years and completely lose sight of any other skills I could cultivate that are a little closer to home, and not completely, as of yet, deteriorated.  I could totally see myself happily employing writing skills AND traveling in some way that allows for immersion without a two year commitment.  Ironically, I think filling the year that this application has nearly eaten up with human services grunt work has illuminated for me that human services grunt work is pretty similar across the board.  And, well, I'm just fucking impatient. 
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