Just A Broken Lullaby [Master Post]

Sep 13, 2012 11:49

Title: Just A Broken Lullaby
Summary: When a mission goes wrong, the Avengers find themselves the unlikely guardians of a six-year-old Tony Stark.
Characters: Steve, Tony, all the Avengers, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, with guest appearances by Hank Pym and Reed Richards.
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 20,095
Disclaimer: Oh, please, nice lawyers at Marvel, please don't sue me! I swear I put all the toys right back where I found them!
Warnings: Brief comic-book violence, and tooth-rotting levels of schmoop. I am not even kidding.
Neurotic Author's Note #1: So this has been languishing on my hard drive practically since I saw the movie. It has been through countless revisions and rewrites and tweaking and poking and prodding until I can't look at it without going crosseyed. So, here it is, in all its unbeta'd glory. Technically this story isn't divided into chapters, but LJ posting lengths still suck, so you're getting it split up.
Neurotic Author's Note #2: Um, I have no excuse for this. It is unashamed idfic, schmoopy kidfic at its best and worst, with extra schmoop thrown in for good measure, because I really wanted a story about wee!Tony following Steve around and pestering him to hold his shield. Yeah, I got nothing. /o\
Neurotic Author's Note #3: I kind of intimated in the story that Tony & Pepper are no longer together. Or if they are, at least, that it's not exactly a conventional sort of romance. IDK, Tony doesn't like to define relationships, okay? Also, there are hints of the beginnings of Tony/Steve, in the brief moments when they're both at the age of consent. But, really, this can all be read as gen, or as being Tony/Pepper outside of the events of the story. That's not what the story is about.
Neurotic Author's Note #4: This story would not be what it is but for the constant coaxing/cajoling/bullying/threatening of the usual suspects: rainylemons and in particular, who were very patient and listened to me whine and kvetch about it, and to everyone on Twitter who also put up with my constant complaining. Thank you, guys, you're the best!
Neurotic Author's Note #5:
The lullaby in this story is a famous one, written by Mikhaïl Iourievitch Lermontov, and is known as the Cossack Lullaby. This is a rendition of it that I rather like, if you're interested. My apologies to any Russian speakers if I have unwittingly butchered your language or its transcription. I don't actually speak the language at all. Feel free to correct me in comments/messages if you spot any errors.

[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]

This entry was originally posted at http://ratherastory.dreamwidth.org/224648.html, where there are
: comments, currently. Feel free to comment wherever you'd like! ♥

steve rogers, avengers, just a broken lullaby, tony stark

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