Prompt me?

Sep 12, 2012 00:45

So hoodie_time is having a curtain!fic challenge.

Curtain! fic & art Week
( September 16th - 23rd)

[Click on the image to go to the challenge.]

Banner courtesy of salty_catfish @ local_colour

1- Go play. Go now. :)

2- My Muse has left the building, so I was thinking maybe I could shamelessly take advantage of my wonderfully creative flist. Anyone want to leave me a curtain!fic prompt that you'd like to see me write? You can prompt me in any of my existing 'verses (Fusion, Garden, whatever) or a stand-alone, with the caveat that it has to focus on hurt!Dean, since that's the challenge.

Humour me? Anyone?

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, ratherastory is also a rockstar, garden 'verse, writing is hard!, ratherastory is a sheep, haaaaaaalp!

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