I don't know where else I would post this

Jul 04, 2011 00:15

It's sort of fandom-related, right?

I'm thinking of doing a total SPN rewatch, from the beginning of S1 to the end of S6. There are 80 days between now and the premiere of Season 7, so in theory, at two episodes per day, it's totally doable, even with one week of hiatus when I go to VanCon.

I am faced with two choices. I can either just do my rewatch by my lonesome and enjoy the pretty that is SPN in the company of my cats.


I can, conversely, enjoy the pretty in the company of my cats and then turn around and inflict my opinions about the show on you, dear flist. Obviously it would be behind a cut and all that, but still, I'm not sure it's actually worth it. It wouldn't be the regular flaily-squee-incoherent mess of my episode reactions, since I have seen all the episodes before. I can't promise deep analysis, but I can at least promise full sentences.

What do you think, flist? You could always follow along on my rewatch and have fun in the comments, right?

damn you fandom i used to be normal, unabashed squee!, episode commentary, show is trying to kill me, season 7

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