Trying to keep on top of things

Jun 29, 2011 15:35

Lest I delude myself into thinking that my writing list is manageable, I am going to update this again. It seems like doing this every two weeks over the summer is a good plan, because otherwise I keep signing up for shit. *sigh*

Well, I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't having fun, right? Right.

Late and/or due ASAP

7 days or less

- fandom_flood_ap: I owe casspeach hurt-yet-badass!Steve, minimum 2k. Any day now.

- h50_bigbang: I need to add the missing scenes & send the draft to my artists. (Yes, I have two! Isn't that exciting?) I want to get that done tonight/tomorrow.

Due in July:

15 days or less

- spn_summergen: 1,000 words minimum, due July 1st, 2011. I got an extension to July 8th, but I need to write it NOW so I can get it beta'd. With any luck that'll get done before I leave for the special project for work Saturday night.

- spn_j2_bigbang: Posting date is July 11th, 2011, which means my polished draft needs to be done by then. It's with peppervl who graciously accepted to beta the monster.

- spn_gen_bigbang: 15,000 words minimum, rough draft due July 15th, 2011. rainylemons has graciously allowed me to convert my really late ohsam fic for her, which means I have 14k written and just need to finish writing the story.

Due in August

45 days or less

- summer_sam_love: A Sam-centered h/c fic exchange. No wordcount limit either way. Posting starts August 14th, 2011.

- sassy_otp: A Sam/Cas-centered challenge, no wordcount minimum, posting date of August 14th, 2011.

- deancasbigbang: Uh, yeah. So, 20k, rough draft is due August 15th, 2011. I have a pretty good idea of how this is going to go but am working out plot kinks in my head.

- samdean_otp: Yet another Big Bang, but "only" 10k this time. Rough draft also due August 15th, 2011. I have a full outline already and just need to sit down and write the thing.

50 days or less

- thebigbangjob: A Leverage Big Bang this time, 20k due August 21st, 2011. I have a premise but need to work out a big plot problem.

damn you fandom i used to be normal, writing projects, ratherastory can be reasonable sometimes, ratherastory explains it all

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