Seventeenth BriWi Post Of 2009

Feb 24, 2009 17:17

Not that the Academy asked me, but if requested to submit my findings following last night's broadcast (somebody it still going on?), they would be the following...


The Academy -- you must let Steve Martin and Tina Fey host next year. They are the Mike Nichols and Elaine May of a new generation.
Joaquin Phoenix -- you deserved it

Ben Stiller -- you killed

True North, Coke, Amex and Hyundai -- nice ad campaigns

The Academy -- while the morning-after consensus seems to be that there were about three too many musical numbers, we liked the "panel" concept of past winners announcing the nominees. By making sure each received a tribute, it took the sting out of losing (and we didn't have to see that awful Brady Bunch box on the screen, looking always for bitter reaction shots). It was a nice, personal touch with very few clunky mis-matches. I think there were enough cutaway shots of a serene-looking Angelina Jolie.

The Academy -- When you remember the giants who passed away during the last year, please let us watch it on TV. Don't zoom in and out with a steadicam and a jib camera to a confusing array of TV screens showing the same image. Just take it full, as we say. And further: when a giant like Paul Newman passes from our lives, he deserves more than what he got last night. He was an icon. He should have been treated that way.

The cast and crew of Slumdog -- how can we not be happy for you? Congratulations.


Like I said the last time, I don't like the hype around award ceremonies although the artists and actors, or whoever, deserved their award fair and square. Simple as.

As for BriWi saying Tina Fey and Steve Martin host for next year. Why don't you, Brian? Since you're America's number one anchor and you have such a popular fanbase. I won't miss the awards for a chance if you host! Although, the hype gets on my nerves...

Anyway, I can't agree more with Slumdog Millionaire winning the Oscars! I have watched films which I like to watch over and over again, so when Slumdog Millionaire comes out on DVD I can watch it as many times as I want. Plus, buy the soundtrack CD to it as well. M.I.A's 'Paper Planes' scares me a bit whenever I hear the gunshots.

The Razzies, the Oscar equivalent was held also... Paris Hilton and Mike Myers both won awards for their awful, awful films... I have watched awful films too, and I almost enjoy reading reviews on IMDb on awful films too, such as Glitter and many others...

So guys, what film would you consider as good? And what film would you consider or think is so bad that it's good? In other words: AWFUL!

That's all

P.S: I love shopping on Amazon, especially searching through the New & Used areas. I bought Madonna's Erotica (not with the you-know-what book, hell no) for 48p! 48p! That's a bargain, altogether posting and packaging is £1.69!

blogs, cds, tv, things, brian williams, madonna

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