The Basics
Name: Kazahaya Kudou (real name is secretly secret)
Age: 20
1. Describe your personality: I'm usually your normal, kind and cheerful/calm person. The kind of person that people will look for a advice or even a shoulder to cry on. But I don't always say what's going on in my head, I usually just pretend to be what people think I am, that's why people get surprised when they do/say something that makes me uncomfortable/angry and I show them that I'm much more cold, sarcastic, mature and emotionless than they think. I'm more calm, serious and mature than I let on. But I can be supportive, honest and gentle if it's someone close to me. I'm actually neutral most of the time, if I'm on a good mood I'll get cheerful and friendly, if I'm on a bad mood I'll get all bitchy.
2. What are your flaws?
- Procrastination (like I'm doing now)
- I'm a jealous person and I know it, when I act like that I get angry at myself
- My memory is horrible.
- I wish I could be more sensitive.
- I'm lazy...really lazy.
3. What are your best points?
- I'm creative
- I like helping people (or that's what my grandmother says, but then again she says that I'm a good soul XD)
- I'm mature and people like to ask advices.
- I do what I need to do.
- I'm not easily worried. (wait... is that good or bad?)
- Sweets.
- Reading manga, watching animes, roleplaying.
- Talking to my mom.
- Sleep.
- Sunny mornings.
5. Dislikes:
- Clingy/annoying people.
- Guys asking me out when I obviously don't want a boyfriend right now...
- Boring stuff.
- Poodles *is shot* (what? I like BIG dogs and poodles are annoying)
- Girls asking me out when I don't swing that way (just because you don't want a boyfriend doesn't mean you want a girlfriend)
6. What are your hobbies and talents?
- I like drawing/working with photoshop/making AMVs... actually anything that uses creativity.
- I'm actually pretty good at learning new languages.
7. How do others perceive you? The cute, nice and normal girl that's very friendly.
8. What is your personal motto? "If life gives you lemons, you should make a fanfic"? Just kidding, I don't actually have a motto... but what I always keep in mind is that whatever happens, you can addapt to this new situation and go on with your life.
9. What is your favorite color? Why? Blue/Green. Because they make me pretty, oh so witty and ghei are deep and calm colors.
10. What color do you think you are? (it can be the favourite color or another color) Same of above, or green or blue.
11. Favourite Animal? Wolf.
12. What is your favorite season? The windy season. (where I live we have only the hot season and the rainy season, between them we have a time when it's really windy)
13. This Thing, That Thing
Optimistic or Pessimistic or Realist: Realist
Possessions or Ideals: Ideals
Mature or Immature: Mature
Leader or Follower: It depends on the situation. If I recognize a good leader I'll follow, if there isn't one, I'll lead.
Light or Dark: Dark
Think Before You Leap? or Leap!: Think
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
War or Peace: Peace
Secretive or Open: Secretive
High, Medium, Low Energy? Low energy
14. Reactions
How do you react when with your friends? More than I'm really feeling.
How about your family? I'm usually really honest about my feelings when I'm with them.
In a group? I hide what I think and just go along.
If your peers/friends/family were in trouble, what would you do? Advices, advices.
How do you react to Stressful things? Pretend that I'm not frustrated, then I'll search for something to keep my mind busy and I'll completely forget about this stressful thing.
15. What are your dreams? Be a diplomat or a famous mangaka.
16. What are your fears? I'm afraid of becoming bitter. (and cockroaches, they creep the shit out of me)
17. Would you do something you wouldn’t normally do if you had to? Yes, I do what I need to do.
18. If you had to choose a side, would you choose the government, rebels or just being a loner? It depends, who's right? If I don't like neither the government nor the rebels I'll be a loner and just watch.
19. Anything else about you? Nops. Wait... I usually act like I'm on crack on the internet, so I'm actually surprised that I'm all serious in this post. Maybe something is wrong... XD
20. Anything else you would like to add? No, sir.
Almost there!
21. How did you find us?
dgrayman 22. Links to voted applications
1. etoo... I'm new so I only voted on these two, sorry >_>