well i come back from work and find the computer off, and the picture i was working on gone forever.
not entirely, i made a screenshot because i really knew this would happen. i don't have photoshop anymore (and i guess its nigh time i actually did) i was using an oekaki board, and the admins on this particular one don't allow safety saves. its a shame i didn't make another screenshot before i went to work. i was almost done.
True Porn 2 came out on presale on amazon and i WANTS it.
work tomorrow 10 - 8, and every sunday forever apparently.
here is my schedule in case anyone cares:
7/18: OFF
7/19: 4-C
7/20: 9-4
7/21: OFF
7/22: 4-C
7/23: 9-4
7/24: 10-C
7/25: OFF
7/26: OFF
7/27: 4-C
7/28: OFF
7/29: 4-C
7/30: 4-C
7/31: 10-C
8/1 - 8/8 8/9? AWAY
this is subject to change, mainly picking up more hours, though i complain, i need the money.