Thirty Days of Fanart Meme: Day 23 & 24

Aug 01, 2011 10:20

23 - When you post, where do you post to? Just your journal? DeviantArt? Just an archive? Your own personal site?

I post to my personal site (since 1999), my art-only wordpress blog (which I use because category sorting there is easier with just art specific labels, than in a journal with everything mixed), my journals (DW/LJ/IJ), and I try to post to communities if I find one that fits. The last two years I've also posted to deviantArt. I would use the AO3 for my fanart (I have an account there for reading locked stuff, commenting and bookmarking) if it already had fanart functionality, but I don't see much sense to archive when I can't even archive the work itself, or have good browsing functionality for pictures. I mean, if I was killed by a falling toilet seat tomorrow and my webspace expired three months later, the archive would be left with a bunch of broken images if I just embedded.

24 - Betaing - Do you use art betas? Do you have a Beta horror story or dream story?

Yes, for more elaborate pieces I like to have art betas, usually to check over the pencils for glaring errors or get help on perspective and such. I didn't use to, because for a while I didn't even know that kind of thing was done for art too, probably because thanks to art betas in art headers are rarer than to fic betas in story headers, and also I didn't seek out more art-centric forums even after I started doing fanart, because all my early media fandom engagement (on mailing lists and such) was fic-and-meta-only.

I don't have any horror stories, or any dream stories either. My experiences with betas so far have been pretty much what you expect. I sent a scan of my pencils, sometimes pointing out an area I have trouble with, I then got feedback, either written or scribbled over the image (I rather like the latter method), and mostly heeded the advice.

meme: 30 days of fanart, meme

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