Thirty Days of Fanart Meme: Day 21 & 22

Jul 31, 2011 10:34

21 - Series/sets - Have you ever created series of connected artworks, and if so, why?

Yes, my HP magical creature drawings are a series, also my DCU/Muppets fusion, though the latter is more on the sketch-side rather than elaborate work. And some others were intended as series, but I haven't (yet?) realized more than one part, like my SGA/ATLA fusion that was supposed to have one for each team member, but I only did Teyla as waterbender. (Sheppard was supposed to be an airbender, Ronon a firebender and Rodney an earthbender.) I like series to show more than one character/thing when the topic is worldbuilding.

22 - Have you ever participated in a fest or a Big Bang? If so, write about your favorite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you've thought about doing? And if not, why not?

Yes, I've done Yuletart as a holiday exchange four times now, have participated in the paintedspires prompt fest in SGA, and in the Star Trek Reverse bang once. As that list shows, I like fests that are art-centric.

I can't really recall a single favorite experience, perhaps because for me such commitments are always kind of a mix of the pressure helping me to actually create art, and the increased anxiety of failing to deliver. I think overall Yuletart is the most fun, because I like gift exchanges, and it is run very smoothly. Also it runs while so much of my flist is in Yuletide mode so it makes me feel less left out for not writing fic.

Getting a story written from my art in the Star Trek Reversebang was also awesome, but I couldn't really collaborate as much as I would have liked to with the author, i.e. maybe doing another illustration after seeing the first draft and such, because at the time my father had serious health problems and was in and out of hospitals (and it was the first time that it fell to me to do all kinds of practical stuff rather than one of my siblings), and I barely managed to do the one painting properly and provide some feedback on the story draft. And when I think back to doing that painting I mostly feel the horrible dread, and remember the moment of getting an awful phone call while I was painting. So while I like how my art turned out, and liked getting a story, the whole emotional connotation of that fest is swamped by my memories of the RL mess, and not really "favorite experience" material.

I have thought about signing up for regular Big Bangs a couple of times because I like to illustrate stories, but have always been too uncertain whether their setup could work for me. First there tends to be a fairly long time between the sign up and the moment I can start to do anything as an artist (sometimes the art sign-up is later, but I always see the promotions when it starts with the author sign-ups), and then I worry about what might happen if I didn't like the story I'd get to illustrate.

meme: 30 days of fanart, meme

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